5 quick tips that will instantly make you feel like an artist

Sep 21, 2016How to think like an artist4 comments

Sometime the one thing that stands between feeling like an artist instead of a poser is doubt. Doubt that you are good enough, doubt that you have a big enough body of works. Doubt that you have enough training. Doubt that you have the motivation. Those doubts can sometimes hijack  your drive and next thing you know you are doubting if you are an artist anymore. All of us creatives go through some version of this at some point. So today I though I would share my top 5 tips for slaying those doubts, and help you feel more like the artist you are.

Keep an art journal.


If you have been following me for a while You will know I am big on keeping an art journal, not just to document my ideas, but to keep the creative subconscious flowing with ideas from my every day life. Art journaling is also a safe place to make bad art. Bad art si necessary to making better art. In your journal, only you have to see the mistakes and wrong ideas.


Share your work.

Trust me on this one. Even if you are not loving what you are making, when you share your work with loved ones, most of the time they will give you support in return. A little bit of encouragement goes a long way.


Copy something you made that was awesome.

Slamming you head agains the wall will not shake out ideas when you are just not feeling inspired. And I know all too well how scary it can be to think you have tapped out on creative ideas. I find going back and recreating an idea that has worked in the past will often jog your brain and lead to new work.


Make a vision boards.


I resisted vision boards for so long. but they work y’all. Artist will often keep a bulletin board of little things they find visually interesting or inspiring….magazine clippings, leaves, feathers, found trinkets. It keeps things in the forefront of your mind, and will subconsciously bubble up when the time is right


Try a new medium.

When working in a new medium, you are going to make mistakes. But since this is all new to you you tend to let yourself off the hook. But just getting into your creative space will get that right brain working again.

So how about you? what are some of your favorite thing to do that helps you remember you are indeed an artist? Leave me a comment below. And if you like this post pleas share it on Social media. xo

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  1. Lori Riley

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. It’s funny how things like this are presented to us when we need them most. I have been feeling so crappy because i just learned that i wasn’t accepted into an upcoming show. I thought for sure i would get in, not to sound like a conceited brat, but i felt my stuff was good! I had been working on some new designs, and i spent the entire day doing a photo shoot. So, i was so sad. Your friendly post means a lot. Thanks!
    Are you settled in Raleigh-Durham yet? I want to reach out because i know you left a great area (Asheville)! So here we are, hello from Durham!

  2. Sara Coppedge

    To get the juices flowing, I like to make cards. I just grab whatever is on the table and start sticking it down to a piece of card stock paper,…… sewing on it, weaving on it, drawing and painting on it, tearing it into pieces etc. No pressure to do anything “right”. In the end, I have recharged and have a nice collection of cards.

  3. Llewena

    I so agree with what you say I find also my mistakes often end up my best works lovinng all the reads.

    • Stacey

      YES YES YES!! they are like divine smacks on the forehead. thanks for reading. xo


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Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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