Fiberista, I know you know what I mean. It doesn’t matter what kind of calm or chaos is happening in your world, the one constant will always be making art. I would say specifically fiber art, but I have a long-held commitment to my art journal as well that tends to anchor all my creative practices. Here is a little about what I am working on these days.


Art weaving on my tiny loom

For the last couple of months, we are moving my fiber studio to a different room in the house, so my tools and supplies are scattered between the old and new studio space and a rented storage unit. I sort of know where things are, but let’s just say, for now, I have consolidated my art weaving to my tiny loom and a couple of baskets of cherished fibery bits for weaving. right now I am playing with some tapestry techniques and a couple of languishing fiber ideas I have been wanting to explore a little deeper. Here is what is currently on my little loom


Meditative spinning in bed

I have also been doing a bit of spinning. Nothing terribly textural, but lots of singles and 2ply on my espinner. Spinning in bed watching tv at the end of my day is my new favorite thing. I got these yummy dyed braids from my friend Elizabeth and have been spinning them into a nice 8 oz of 2ply.


And finally my trusty art journal.

I have been deep into my art journal as I prepare for teaching inspired art journaling in Taos in September. My latest fascination has been with gouache. Gouache was the medium we used in art school for our design projects and I absolutely hated it. I could never get the perfect smooth even matte finish required for our assignments. it showed every fingerprint. Once I graduated, I never felt the desire to work with gouache again. That is until recently after watching a fellow mixed media art journaler use gouache with all the other mediums I love to use. Paints like watercolors with the opaqueness of acrylic. Clean up is super easy. I have even been experimenting with gouache on my gelli plate. Using goauche for my art journal is way more pleasant than I remeber it being for the fussy little color swatches we were making in college.

What are you working on? Leave me a comment below or share with me in the Fiber Art Collective Facebook Group.


  1. Sue Adair

    I love seeing what you’re working on! It always inspires me. 💜

    • Stacey

      Thank you Sue!

    • Marilynn Marlow

      Thanks. Good reminder that little counts too.

  2. Cindy Schulteis

    Love your work on the little loom! How did you do the square? Not sure how to do it while keeping the main colors going if that makes sense? 😉

  3. Suzanne Hokanson

    We are once again living on our sailboat on Lake Champlain for the summer escaping the heat of Savannah. I have my little looms onboard… my 15” Cricket and little snd big potholder looms. I’ll be warping my potholder pro soon to have some more examples to show on my interview with Kate Kilmurray of the Weaving Way Community on Saturday 6/25. I’ll be talking about “Beyond Potholders: using the potholder loom for weaving with yarn and more.” Join us!

  4. Deb

    Stacey – I’m so glad you’re back online! Gotta ask – what brand of spinner is that with it’s rattan basket? It’s beautiful!

    • Stacey

      Deb, that is a Womack Butterfly espinner. Mr. Womack was a vendor at SAFF years ago. I bought it from him in 2010. Not sure if he is still making them.

      • Deb Feo

        I’m looking for one. Doesn’t look like he makes them anymore 🙁 Someone online said that he had been very sick.

  5. Gale M Evans

    Stacey! so glad to see your weaving pass on my face book scroll. You look maaarveloooos darling!

    • Stacey

      Hey Gale! 😊 thank you!. Hope this finds you well.


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About UrbanGypZ

Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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