Tiny habits

Mar 14, 2022behind the scenes2 comments

I swear I thought I was ahead of the game. Last October, I began planning out what I wanted my 2022 year to be. Setting out some goals, thinking of my new year’s resolutions. I was using my favorite project planning app, I built in some extended periods of rest and introspection to reflect and recharge before beginning the next big project. I was feeling sooo good about the plans.

Then I blew it all up the first week of December. Me and the mister decided to split up.

It was not an easy decision to make. But it is also one we do not regret. And as amicable as the split has been, it has certainly rocked both of our worlds and is not easy. Added to the stress of splitting up, there is a significant housing crisis both for sales and rentals where we live. It has been hard to find a new place for either of us to land. Expensive, much smaller, pet restrictions, high application fees, high-income demands, shady landlords. For now, we have agreed to shift our living situation to roommates until one of us is able to move out. Not ideal, but we are both opening our minds to the new normal.

Self-care became my priority. While I love completing big projects, I decided to shelve what I had planned out in October in favor of focusing on just dreaming of what my new goals and possibilities can be. I did however hang onto one goal that seemed like it would ground me– developing routines.

As I was planning my 2022 before I blew it all up, I knew that success for me in real estate, as well as fiber art, boiled down to consistency. I needed some simple routines that I could accomplish consistently. Little habits that build tiny steps into big results. Little routines that would give me an outline of my day easy enough to adhere to when the days felt like too much. And I fully expected the days to become overwhelming given the circumstance of going through a divorce.

I have been calling it 22 habits in 2022. I picked 22 because that is roughly a new habit every 2 weeks with an opportunity to skip 4 2-week periods if I needed to. I decided the habits would be focused on whatever I needed to incorporate that week. It could be personal, business, creative, home, whatever.

So far, some habits are fully integrated into my day-to-day. Other habits….not so much. I have even had to make a habit of tracking my habits in my spreadsheet tracker. I am surprised at how easy it is to do my bookkeeping yet how hard it is to just walk the trail near my house. I feel like I have kept the balance between work and personal habits. I have not planned all the habits for the year. I felt like that could change as the year progresses, so I left it open. The spreadsheet does give me a chance to write out habits to consider as they come up.

So far this is exactly what I needed this year to honor the self-care I needed and to make sure I keep pushing forward.


  1. Janet P

    So sorry to hear about your marriage situation. When you think about the love you had when you were first married, one asks “What happened?” Often, the love gets buried with hardships, heartaches, lack of trust, self-centerness and too often unforgiveness. The love is still there but just not visible because it is buried below many feet of all the above. There is a movie called “Fireproof” starring Kurt Cameron, that is so good for people who are going through marriage difficulties. Gary Smalley has a book and video series called “Love Languages” that is also good. I feel so saddened for you and your husband. I will be praying for you both. From the heart, Janet

    • Stacey

      Thank you Janet. We are better friends for it for sure.


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Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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