So today has been busy with a deadline and I am doing what people do in their studios…make a mess. I am okay with the mess as a work in progress. The place where I fall down is when it all stays once the project is done…or gets pushed to the side. Now for me the key is pretty much having a storage place for my stuff, so once I am done I can put my shit away. Sounds simple enough.
I still have issues with my hot spots…The drafting table and the long work table. If I am in the middle of a project, sometimes I need to leave my stuff out. OR I need to have a WIP storage solution. So today (once I am through my deadline, and tonight’s glass class) I am hammering out a cleaning schedule and a place to house my WIPs for the studio. A way to keep track of things I am actively working on and a way to put them away neatly. I also need a way to assess regularly, to see if those WIPs are languishing or not. Daily, weekly monthly. It is all part of studio management.
Hopefully When I am through my deadline on friday, I am going to tackle the big bear …my WIPs.
Joining me in the 31 Day Studio Awesome Challenge?
I am posting progress and info on setting up my studio over the next 31 days. I will not be blitzing my main email list daily…but if you DO want an email notice when daily posts go live, sign up here:
Those socks are gonna be amazing! Can’t wait to see the embelishments.