Last week I FINALLY took the weaving class I have been wanting to take fore -freaking-ever. A basic how to weave traditionally on a 4 shaft loom. Mainly, I wanted the skinny on how to warp a loom, because I have had an old 4 shaft table loom that I got for next to nothing and was intimidated by the labor intensive warping process.
Crazy, because I lived in the heart of Appalachia for years. Dreaming of classes at Penland and John Campbell ($$$$$), of private lessons at a studio ($$$$), and not really sure where else to look.There were several fiber guilds, but none with any real classes. The death of a college friend coupled with a webinar about following your heart found me signed up for the weekend workshop through the Triangle Weaver’s Guild.
I learned exactly what I needed to finally get that table loom working.
I spent my time at the loom becoming familiar with treadling, reading patterns, and finding a rhythm.
I found myself weaving in the same spirit as I would on my rigid heddle loom. small uneven sections of different textures and colors.
I have a feeling I will be able to incorporate so much of my new skills into my work.
Check out last night live cast. I go into more detail about all of this.Stay tuned for this Sunday. I am going to share a little about what I am cooking up in the clay studio that i am working into my fiber art.