Making Art When The Sh*t Hits The Fan

Dec 13, 2018behind the scenes, Uncategorized7 comments

Last night found me back in Asheville. My folks have a vacation home near the popular river district. It was the first time Bruce had even seen it. And I have not been here since a week after construction was completed in the spring. Today it was an alternative to a hotel room as we traveled from Alabama back home to Raleigh.

It was Wednesday. For 6 years Wednesdays were newsletter/live cast/blog days. But last night, after a day on the road I sat in front of my iPad staring at a digital paper doll app, and updating my aunt on details of the last week. My Wednesday was on a back burner.

If you watch my YouTube channel, you know that my Vlogmas 2018 was put on hold because my mom got sick and we had to go to Alabama. She had a stroke. I am not gonna lie, it has been a rough week. And we are really only going home to grab the dog, instruct the house sitter, settle business and go right back to Alabama. She is recovering better than average, thank God. But we still have a long road through a new normal. Honestly she is emotionally better off than the rest of us. And it is her determination that is keeping me hopeful and certain she’s got this. My momma is a strong woman and I am beyond grateful for that.

Art weaver Debra Lambert had grown to love her tiny loom over her Saori when she needed a portable project as she sat with her father in the hospital. It is where she translated Saori techniques into a much more accessible tiny loom. It is her class that lead me down that path. As I sat with my mom in the hospital, I wished so bad to have my spinning wheel, tiny loom, knitting, anything really. We left in such a rush, I did not have time to grab a damn thing.

Or did I?

I don’t often like to make art during times of duress because I am afraid it pour all the pain and shadow energy into my work. But art heals, and hard feelings do not necessarily lead to dark art. Art is Truth. Not wanting to make art during hard times is actually me not wanting to dive deep into the truth of where my right brain is right now. So next week, I am grabbing a bag of weaving and leaning in.

If I were a smart cookie, I would FBstory/Instagram/Blog my process. But honestly, I am just not sure that will happen given the circumstances. So, I am assuming I will not be, and going to wish you guys a Happy Holiday. Love on your peeps. It can all change in an instant. Lean into your art. Thank you for helping me build a fiber art community that I love. You guys inspire me more than you know. I will be back in January.


  1. Marie-Helene

    Dear Stacey, hold on, your mom is in my thoughts, and you too. For you and your family, my best wishes for relief, health and joy.

  2. Leigh Priest

    I hope that your mum continues to do well and recovers her health quickly.

  3. Amy in TX

    Healing and comfort to all of you! I have recently rediscovered my spindles as I begin to spin art yarn. It seems to be a much more intimate and slower paced spinning experience and I am enjoying it tremendously. Maybe throw some fiber and a spindle in your bag in case you need an emergency dose of spinning 🙂

  4. elizaduckie

    Hopefully your Mom will continue to improve.

    You are SO right, attitude and determination are everything. I think we see some of her, in that way, in you. You deserve to take time for family (and friends). It’s what the holiday season is all about, and even though your Mom is struggling with her health I’m sure you’ll all find a way to make the potential joys of the season work for you.

    I found that when I was severely stressed and needed something portable, all I could manage was plain knitting a scarf in a color and fiber, that made me happy to look at it (I did throw some beads in randomly, just because I love sparkle).

    Recently I was ill with a nasty 6-8 week cough that exhausted me and bent my mind into a fuzzy blob. All I could do was spin, again using an uplifting color. Then, feeling a smidge better I started plain weaving on my Cricket. Picking colors I liked looking at…BTW I’d discovered your videos while unable to do anything other than try to entertain myself looking through YouTube. Your use of wild color, and mad yarn combos, in one vlog, was so fun and inspiring! Thanks for that! I’m so glad to have watched it when I needed it!

    Best wishes to your Mom and everyone that’s supporting her journey.

  5. Fujie Robesky

    I have read this book and it is full of insight into a person who has had a stroke. I think you can download it from the Amazon free list. My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey

  6. Eileen Barton

    Sending healing thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery for your mom!

  7. kimbra shadbolt

    Take care and stay safe over Xmas.. Our prays are with you and your family Your mum will recover


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Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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