I am not going to lie. I have kind of hit a blogging rut. But I have been in the studio quite a bit. Lots of spinning for now, with a bunch of weaving ready to be made. And….actually…..some sweater progress!! I have always prided myself with being able to crank out the blog posts. But in the last 16 years of blogging, I have hit my share of creative blocks around it often taking extended breaks.This is the first time this has happened since I have committed to blogging alongside my weekly newsletter a little over 4 years ago. And it is not that I don’t have anything to share, I am just in need of a shake up in format for now.
So, today fiberista, I scheduled some live sessions on YouTube. The accountability at least weekly, especially as I plan my week, could help me focus a bit more as I wrangle some crazy good inspirations. But I am also excited to connect with you guys. I love doing live video. It is often just overwhelming to set up. So I am getting it pulled together this week. Bring your questions or email them to me. And mark your calendars. Here are the links for the 4 live I have scheduled.
If you are subscribed to my You Tube channel, you will get notice of my events. Just a heads up, the post weaving workshop review may change. I am navigating a birthday trip to the beach…although it would be awfully cool to broadcast from the beach…
So mark your calendars, bring your questions. Look for replays and live cast notes here on the blog.