Blog: Creativity
Studio Awesome Day 4: Catch-Up Day
I think I need a day to finish some of the tasks I have not completed for the week. Mainly clearing off the big drafting table and putting together the hall closet shelves. I also need to organize that closet, But I have a feeling what I will put in there could change...
Studio Awsome Day 3: Ouch…
I am not sure how it happened. My guess is it was either moving the 75ish pounds of mill end yarn, or manipulating the plastic drawers out of the closet, over the boxes in the hall and up the stairs. I strained something in my thigh, back and butt. I am not immobile,...
Studio Awesome Day 2: Friday Five edition
I am making a ballsy move today and tackling 5 tasks for Friday 5. No worries, they are kind of smallish tasks and kind of need to happen for the rest of the project Studio Awesome to move forward. Okay so today I am going to: Finish putting together shelves: UGH!!...
31 Day Studio-Awesome Challenge
Let me just say it is time for me to quit using the move as an excuse for not putting my nose to the grindstone and get my ass into the studio. I have been itching to finally be unencumbered, feed all the inspirations I have been amassing for months and make stuff....
My top 5 tips for creating better color ways
Mixing colors to create good color ways takes a lot of practice. I mean anyone can throw together red yellow and green yarns and get a color way. But is it awesome? Does it convey a color story that reflects an emotion? Sure you can copy colors from nature, and nature...
5 quick tips that will instantly make you feel like an artist
Sometime the one thing that stands between feeling like an artist instead of a poser is doubt. Doubt that you are good enough, doubt that you have a big enough body of works. Doubt that you have enough training. Doubt that you have the motivation. Those doubts can...
Happy Brains and Creativity
I have talked at length about keeping creativity flowing. As a hobby knitter, being creatively refreshed may not seem like a thing. But if you dream of being a fiber artist, or rely on your creativity for your work, the need to keep the creative ideas flowing becomes...
When Making Ugly Art Is A Good Thing
Over the last few months I have been itching to get the studio in place, not just to get back to my work routine, but to also try out some new stuff I have been itching to do. So despite having boxes of books and fiber stuffs waiting to be unpacked, my workspace was...
How to Make Better Art
I get it. It is overwhelming to follow the dream of being an artist. Let me start by dispelling that overwhelm. You already are an artist. As I have written so many times (like here and here), just by setting the intention to be an artist, you are already an artist....
Making Art: The Yin and Yang of Creative Ebb and Flow
Think about it for a minute. The world seems to work in a series of opposites. Dark/Light, Good/Evil, Right Brain/Left Brain. Even nature works in cycles through opposites...growth/decay, night/day, high tide/low tide, winter/summer, ebb/flow. I think the Chinese...
Stop Using Fake Inspirations and Listen to Your Right Brain
I get it. Sometimes it is hard to wrap your brain around maintaining fresh inspirations for your work. Creative blocks are real y'all and as a professional artist, they are scary as shit. Fear spirals into monkey mind trying to become inspired, worrying about whether...
Unraveling Your Creativity: a guided meditation for fiber artists
For the last 15 years, I have heard it over and over again. Knitting is the new yoga. The idea being that the rhytmic motions of knitting would put you back into your body and you become relaxed. I find that the rhythms of fiber work can spark some crazy good creative...
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