Blog: Creativity
Weaving Extreme Textures by Thinking Outside the Box
If I had to use one word to describe how art weaving sets itself apart from traditional weaving it would be 'TEXTURE". I mean it was my textured hands-on art yarn that started me down the path of weaving the way I do. but you really don't have to be a hand spinner to...
7 A-ha moments and how it has changed the way I make art
Let me just say it has been a winter of introspection and change. Where I left off in December, My mother had a stroke and we spent the better part of December in Alabama along side my brother and sister-in-law helping my parents adjust to a new normal. My mom is...
Live Cast: How to be and artist if you didn’t go to art school
In this YouTube live cast, Fiberista, I am answered a question that I got on Instagram. This fiberista did not go to art school, but was curious how one became an artist without formal training. Since this subject is close to my heart, I shared some of what I know....
Live Cast: How I use my knitting stash for art weaving
I think most of us art weavers started as a way to use up some of our languishing knitting stash. I know I did. especially when it came to figuring out what to do with my large handspun stash. But I tell you not all knitting yarn works up in art weaving the...
Livecast Replay: Things I wove and what I learned along the way
One of these weeks I will be able to do a live cast without tech glitches. Once we finally got started, in last Sunday's live cast I shared with you my new ceramic loom piece(eeee! more of these are definitely in the kiln) offer some tips on weaving in the...
Weaving Art Without A Loom
I almost bought a big floor loom last week. No lie, I have been stalking the used fiber equipment pages here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. A $150 loom popped up in Raleigh and I was ready to go get it. But my studio was not as ready. This thing...
clay + fiber = ART
I know I have shared a little bit about some of the ceramic stuff I have been making. Like lots of mugs (I have a thing for a really good hand thrown mug). An I have even shared a bit about how I have been incorporating ceramics with my fiber art. In Sunday's You Tube...
Recap of my weaving workshop and how I am using it to make art
Last week I FINALLY took the weaving class I have been wanting to take fore -freaking-ever. A basic how to weave traditionally on a 4 shaft loom. Mainly, I wanted the skinny on how to warp a loom, because I have had an old 4 shaft table loom that I got for...
Live Cast Replay: Weird stuff in my art weaving stash
Egad! it was a technical disaster! But I stuck with it and got my live cast on track and the glitches worked out. Well most of them...sorry about the crappy picture. So yeah last week's Live cast had its share of glitches. I swear next week's will be better. In this...
Join me for some YouTube LIVE in the Studio
I am not going to lie. I have kind of hit a blogging rut. But I have been in the studio quite a bit. Lots of spinning for now, with a bunch of weaving ready to be made. And....actually.....some sweater progress!! I have always prided myself with being able...
Family Stories: How They Shape Your Art
Fiberista, Can I be real with you for a minute? Maybe you guys could tell from my trend of encouraging posts about finding your visual language and how it relates to a greater life purpose. Something on my mind lately as I navigate these things for myself. This month...
Is this the best art you can make? 4 mindset questions to slay your doubts
I listen to a lot of business audio books and lectures. I know its kind of crazy since usually artists are not naturally aligned with business theories. I had no formal business training when I started my art business. But lucky for me there are so many resources to...
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