Jun 24, 2015 | How to think like an artist, yarn spinning
I have not done any art yarn spinning in months. Seriously…months. And it is not that I do not love making yarn, I just got distracted with more profitable areas of my business. But ironically it is my handspan that I felt truly expressed my art the most. I am...
Jun 17, 2015 | Fiber crush: Stuff I love
It is so freaking hot outside. Like Alabama hot y’all. My mind does not even want to think about wool right now. Heck, I don’t want to even move. Okay maybe it is the peri menopause talking. So for today’s article I give you pure unadulterated...
Jun 11, 2015 | Art weaving, How to think like an artist, weaving
If you have been following my Instagram, you will see I have been obsessed with all things weaving since I came back from On Higher Ground Fiber Workshops in Taos last October. Debra Lambert of Picasso Moon taught an awesome class on weaving, sent me home with a loom,...
Jun 3, 2015 | How to think like an artist, The Business of being an artist
“I used to be an artist” When he said that, my jaw hit the floor. Jody was one of the most creatively brilliant guys in art school, and he had just told me he was no longer making work. We were maybe 5 years past graduation and I know he had been waiting...
May 27, 2015 | How to think like an artist, The Business of being an artist
This week marked a huge milestone for me. I actually posted my fiber art for sale on my site. Struggling against some still yet to be resolved tech issues (hello, Mercury retrograde) and a deep probing session with an awesome business/life coach,...