I have been wanting to play with some woven bracelets. Normally this is something I would do on my small sample it loom, butI have a project on there that I am not finished with. I decided to warp them on my bigger 24″ rigid heddle loom. And I decided to make a bunch of them at once to hammer out some technical ideas. Usually I warp with a peg directly onto the loom. I decided to use my warping board for these.
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Here are the show notes:
The specs for my bracelet project were:
• Each bracelet will be 18″ long by 1″ wide. this means they wrap around my wrist twice and fasten.
• Since I am using some more traditional weigh weaving yarns, I am using my 10DPI rigid heddle in hopes that the fabric will be a little on the dense side. I will do some of my art weaving for them using different textures and weights of yarns for them all
• I will be warping them 6 across with 2″ in between each. I am also weaving them 3 deep for a total of 18 bracelets to play with.
• I am allowing a full yard per bracelet to allow plenty of selvedge for figuring out the fastener.
• I am using a mix of 5 warp yarns plus a sparkly accent thread to carry with one of the warp threads. Since the DPI is 10/inc and the bracelets are 1″ wide, I need 10 warp threads per bracelet. that is a total of 60. since I am riding 5 at a time, I need to make 12 passes across my warping board
• the warp will need to be 1 yard (bracelet + selvedge length) x 3 (number of bracelets per length) = an extra yard for loom waste. This totals 4yards for the warp length.
• I totally did not calculate take up of shrinkage, but I think my loom waste is generous enough to compensate.
I am using this loom.
I got my warp yarn here and here
Here is that bracelet that I am using to spec for size.
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