One of my goals for 2015 was to spend more time doing my own fiber art, to build my body of work. It is so easy for me to get stuck on the hamster wheel of being a dye monkey and not actually working with the yarns and fibers that are such a big part of my art. I have so many ideas about working with handmade yarns. So many ideas of freeform intuitive knitting.


Along side this goal, I have discovered the importance of actually showing my work. Now granted it is hands down the easiest way to show you guys exciting things you can make with hand dyed and hand spun yarn. But what if I did not have a fiber art business. Why would it be important to show my work? Why would I open myself up to possible haters and painful criticism?


The way I see it making art is only half the journey of any art practice. So here are my top 5 reasons why you should show your work

You find out exactly how you really feel about what you are doing. I know I personally will doubt and second guess my work ALL THE TIME!! Being vulnerable enough to show your work builds your confidence to either defend your choices, or resolve to do it differently next time.

You are actually giving a voice to your visual language. As the saying goes: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Yeah, same thing. If a painting is never seen…

Inspiring others. You never know who out there might need the inspiration of EXACTLY what you are working on regardless or where you are on your journey.

Showing your work is part of building your story. Stories behind your work is what distinguishes art from just stuff.

You will be glad you did. I am so familiar with fear of being judged. But honestly chances are pretty high, that you will not be judged. If on the off chance that someone is a big enough asshat to judge you or your work for what ever reason, then you have the right to call them out for being mean. Seriously!

I am a big fan of Austin Kleon’s book Steal like an Artist.  His latest book, Show your Work, takes the awesomeness of his first book and supersizes the possibilities of where you can go with your creativity with just one little action item… show people what you are doing. I highly recommend it.

So I am inviting you to show your work. I am always so inspired by the work that you guys share with me. Share it on the FB page if you’d like. Or sign up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber art collective (linked below). There is a whole lot of support and encouragement for all who share their work. I know I personally find it crazy inspiring. You’ll be glad you did.

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  1. Barbara Chalifoux

    Oh Stacey-you are so right. I have been hesitant in showing my work. I will get my daughter to help me put it on FB. Thank you for those thoughts.


    • Stacey

      Yay! Barbara I look forward to seeing your latest! Xo

  2. christine

    I really appreciated this post. I usually go with the line that I create art for the purpose of creating it…that the finally result is not the main focus. BUT…. I think developing my art is something I need to look at and I agree that showing my work would help with that. I just don’t really know the right avenue for that. I don’t have enough art nor have I reached a place in my process where a typical art show would be appropriate. When I show friends or family I get…”that’s nice”. There isn’t a lot of constructive feedback there. Then there are FB pages where other members are more apt to be supportive as opposed to constructive feedback. Do you have any thoughts/suggestions?

  3. Marie-Helene Desert

    Hello Stacey,
    yes, I agree with you. And I’d add one more reason : if you show your work, you give you a good reason to finish it, instead of throwing it in a drawer (because you hesitate about how to finish it, because of inferiority feelings for instance, and so on). and it allows you to start the process of get some encouragements from others, and start a new dynamic.
    Thank your a lot !



  1. Be Brave. Show Your Work. Ignore the Nay-Sayers. - UrbanGypZ Artisan Yarn + Spinning Fiber + Creative Coaching - […] may remember this article from a few month ago. So, here I am, where the rubber meets the road,…

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About UrbanGypZ

Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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