Fiberista, February has been a busy month. I have been weaving, networking with other fiber artists in my community, revamping my courses and doing a whole tone of back end work on the business side of UrbanGypZ.
In this live cast, I share with you a few project updates and many of the a-ha moments I encountered in the process.
Check out the replay here:
To see the live chat replay, head over to YouTube, or watch using your YouTube app on your device.
Here are the show notes:
Check out the Beyond the Basics class here.
This is the video talking about my clay dolls, and the video where I began weaving the second dress.
Here is the video working on the circular weaving tiles.
Here is the link to the Triangle Weaver’s Guild.
Here is the Shibori book I designed for Lark. This is an affiliate link.
Here is the Shibori book we are using in the study group. This is also an affiliate link.
Here is the link to the print-on-demand fabric place in Durham.
Here is the link to Dawn Hummer’s Saori Studio, Saori Song, that sponsored last weeks weaving in the Gallery
Here is the Link to the Gallery we were weaving in (and where you can see Dawn’s work)
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