I am so excited to go live today. Now only because, I am finally on the other side of the crud(well somewhat, I still have a little bit of a lingering cough). But, today I am sharing with you a little about what started me art weaving in the first place… being able to use my hand spun art yarn for warp.
Here is the repaly:
To see the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
Here are the show notes:
Here is the link to one of my scarves in my portfolio, made with and art yarn warp.
Registration for the next class in the Art Weaving Beyond the Basics Series open TODAY!
Use the Promo code PRESALE by April 23 to get 20% off.
***If you are a student of the original Beyond the Basics class, you do not need to sign up for this class. You will access sign up information in your class dashboard on April 24th***
Sign Up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Arts Collective