Wanna See Some Art Journal Pages?

Jan 21, 2015Art Journaling for fiber artists., How to think like an artist4 comments

I thought I would show you some art journal pages from my large collection of books today. I know that sometimes beginning that first art journal page can be so freaking intimidating. I want to change your mind about what an art journal can be and help you understand how I use my art journal to help me stay creative.

ALL of my creative ideas start in my art journal.

It is the first thing we learn to do in art class when I was in college. It is how I hammered out many many graphic designs over the years. It has also helped me expanded my knitting from hobby knitter to knitwear designer and fiber artist.

It is the most important fiber art tool I own.

So, head on over to my YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe, I have some big plans for many more awesome videos this year. I have listed some of the resources I mentioned in the video below.

That spectacular handmade water color journal can be found here.

I have my own line of journals I had made especially for the art journal challenge. Find them here and here.

DIYfish is an wonderful resource for filofax calendar pages that I used in my book.

Moleskine also makes an awesome watercolor journal.

The trick is to keep using your art journal as your visual sounding board for all you passing ideas, and time to yourself to just play with art be it cheap watercolor tins, doodling, or just pasting stuff. Every now and then I challenge myself to do so for 30 days straight.


So want to join me? The 30 day art journa challenge will start February 1.

I send out daily emails with encouragement and tips to get your journal practice going.


Registration closed January 28th. Join me!!

30AJC header
Sign up for the 30 Day art journal challenge. I promise it will change the way you make create.


  1. bren

    Thank you for this! This was so incredibly helpful. I’ve been admiring your (and other) art journals for awhile now, and this is the year I’m going to finally do it myself. I’ve got the supplies but have been a little afraid to start. This has given me the inspiration to just DO it.

    • Stacey

      Yay! Awesome. I am so glad it helped. For the art journal challenge, I had researched the journals of famous artists (Warhol, Frida Kahlo, Matisse) it was so interesting to see how they kept journals, and I have to tell you they were totally not very painterly at all.

  2. Season Harper-Fox

    I love that you’re making videos. I agree with the other poster. The video makes it far less intimidating (I’d been on the fence for the longest time). I just subscribed to your YouTube channel (:

    Big fiber fan of yours (albeit somewhat quietly) for quite some time now, and you’ve been a strong inspiration in my growth as a fiber artist/dyer/crocheter/weaver/aspiring spinner. (Dyer? Did I spell that right?) I’m planning to sign on for the next Art Journal Challenge (the one starting April 1). Thanks so much for all you do, Stacey!

    • Stacey

      I am so glad you like the video. I really had fun making it and am excited to do more. So glad this one put your mind at ease for the art journal challenge. Looking forward to having you on board later this year.



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Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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