Alright fiberista….we are heading into the vlogmas home stretch. Despite the intense learning curve on video edits, and the constantly thinking of how to share my day, It has been nice to meet you guys!! And I tell you, your questions have seen me through the days when I think I just could not share one more second of the pets, a parking lot, my cleaning the studio, or the actually drudgery of my never ending administrative tasks.
Being vulnerable on camera has always been terrifying. But I find after years of self doubt, being able to show that I lead a life of ups and downs just like a normal person has finally been possible since moving across state. That wasn’t possible until I moved away from the artsy community and all the expectations that come with being an artist in Asheville. It is my hopes that you will see that my life is probably not that different from yours. And if you have any doubt that you are not artsy or strong or bohemian enough to be an artist I am hoping I blew holes in those doubts. I am not a special unicorn, or wonder woman, or the greatest artist of my generation. But what I am is your biggest advocate for you finding your own visual language through your fiber art no matter what it looks like at this moment. Thank you for being a part of my fiber art community! You guys are awesome.
So here are this weeks videos I answered some of the questions I got and share a little more of my work.
You are amazing… most people would have bailed by now. Thank you for all your videos x
Awe, thanks Stephanie! xo