Video Blog
Studio Organization For Mixed Media Fiber Artists
I got a really good question on Instagram yesterday. After writing a post about all the little inspiring stuff I collect, Josephine asked how I store all this stuff. I really did not have one solid answer. And it varies depending on the stuff. But storage and managing...
Fiber Art Portfolios: How to build one and why you will want to
Hey Fiberista! I am in the midst of pulling my fiber art portfolio together. It is my intention to get into some exhibits in 2019 and I need to get my work up on my site in an organized portfolio. So while I am at It I am going to share with you what I have and what I...
Live Cast: How to be and artist if you didn’t go to art school
In this YouTube live cast, Fiberista, I am answered a question that I got on Instagram. This fiberista did not go to art school, but was curious how one became an artist without formal training. Since this subject is close to my heart, I shared some of what I know....
Art Weaving Demo
Alright Fiberista. Today I am inviting you to weave with me. I will be working on the weaving for one of my wall pieces. Join me at 3pm EDT. If you can't make it, no worries. Bookmark this page.the replay will be here. To participate in the live chat, follow this link...
Buying used looms and where to find them
Hey Fiberista! So in a follow up to last weeks blog post, I am sharing with you some of my favorite places to search for used fiber equipment. I also do a little show and tell. I have been working in my freeform weaving style on my 4 shaft floor loom. It has been...
Winding a Warp for Woven Bracelets
I have been wanting to play with some woven bracelets. Normally this is something I would do on my small sample it loom, butI have a project on there that I am not finished with. I decided to warp them on my bigger 24" rigid heddle loom. And I decided to make a bunch...
Live Cast: How I use my knitting stash for art weaving
I think most of us art weavers started as a way to use up some of our languishing knitting stash. I know I did. especially when it came to figuring out what to do with my large handspun stash. But I tell you not all knitting yarn works up in art weaving the...
Livecast Replay: Things I wove and what I learned along the way
One of these weeks I will be able to do a live cast without tech glitches. Once we finally got started, in last Sunday's live cast I shared with you my new ceramic loom piece(eeee! more of these are definitely in the kiln) offer some tips on weaving in the...
First Week of Vlogmas 2018
It is that time of year! Vlogmas 2018 is in full swing and I am back at it. So here are this weeks videos that give a little peak behind the scenes of what it means to have an art business.
YouTube Live Cast Today: Weaving and Planning
Today, fiberista, I am going to finish working on that circular weaving AND... talk about plans for next year. Not just my plans, lets talk about your plans, too. Around this time of year, I look at what I want for the coming year and really, really think about how to...
Live Cast: How to calculate how much yarn you will need for art weaving
Today, Fiberista, I am answering one of your questions: How to calculate how much yarn you will need for your art weaving. Even more specifically, how to calculate your warp. So, if you caught this live, you know that I rambled on for 4:09 minutes before...
Weaving Art Without A Loom
I almost bought a big floor loom last week. No lie, I have been stalking the used fiber equipment pages here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. A $150 loom popped up in Raleigh and I was ready to go get it. But my studio was not as ready. This thing...