I had a question this week about wet-finishing handwoven fiber art. There is no one answer for every piece. The reasons and methods for wet-finishing your art weaving are as varied as art weaving itself. In this live cast, I share with you things you should consider when deciding if and how to wet-finishing your pieces.
Here is the YouTube Live Cast Replay:
To see the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
Here are the show notes:
I mentioned these wool wash products that are specifically designed for hand spun fibers and hand knit/crochet items. these four I have personally used:
I have not tried it but Natalie Redding has a line of wool wash as well
Here is the link to Synthrapol, the stuff that I wash freshly dyed stuff in to keep the dye particles in suspension and from dying places it shouldn’t. This is also a good prewash to remove impurities for a smoother dye strike.
This post and this post are about carding art batts.
Here is the Clasped Wefts Class. Use promo code PRESALE through Aug1 for 15% off
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