I think I need a day to finish some of the tasks I have not completed for the week. Mainly clearing off the big drafting table and putting together the hall closet shelves. I also need to organize that closet, But I have a feeling what I will put in there could change by the end of the month. For now I am going to stash all my blank yarn and some of my craft tools and supplies that I do not use that much, like soap making, my serger, and felting machine.

I am going to also begin to sort through my art and journaling supplies. This is dovetailing with the closet thing and the drafting table thing. But I imagine this will also bleed over into next week.
Why other art here?
While this is technically the studio for my fiber art business, I also fold journaling and other art disciplines in with my business. Taking a break from fiber art to do art journaling, painting, or even jewelry making can often help me break through creative blocks. translating my visual language into other mediums, helps me get clear on what types of qualities make up my style.
The constant quest for a perfect solution
I have been using Craftybase kind of on and off for the last few years. It has been my go to app when I need to calculate pricing. It also has an automated inventory system. They have recently stepped up their bookkeeping capabilities as well. So yesterday as I was about to make my own spreadsheets, I looked over Craftybase and decided that most of the stuff I was hoping to accomplish with spread sheets I can do in Craftybase. I do think I will use a separate more automated bookkeeping system (I was using Outright, but fired them earlier this year after a customer service nightmare with the parent company, Go Daddy). I will need to dedicate a day or two to clean up what is in there now and to make sure all my accounts are linking properly. But I am happy that I found I can use something I already have a little working knowledge of.
Alright…off to tackle my catch up tasks and start the art supply wrangle…pray I do not fall down the rabbit hole of starting a new painting or something like that….
*** Links in this post are referral links. I get a small commission for linking products and services I love. I only refer products and services I use, totally stand behind, and recommend personally.
Joining me in the 31 Day Studio Awesome Challenge?
I am posting progress and info on setting up my studio over the next 31 days. I will not be blitzing my main email list daily…but if you DO want an email notice when daily posts go live, sign up here: