My spinning WIPs are really closer to a perpetual WIP kind of thing because I usually finish a yarn in one sitting. But there are a handful of specific unfinished spinning projects that I have come across.

For the most part my spinning project stash is this:
Yep that is a closet full of fleece and spinning fiber.
And that is really not all of it. Just last night I found 2 fleeces stashed in a trunk that normally houses my fabric stash. Suffice it to say I have yet to fully inventory the fleece stash yet. So the perpetual spinning project for 2017 is to process this wool. I may venture into using some for my growing felting interest. But for the most part this was intended for art yarn. I have ordered a large jug of power scour, and I am READY!!
The fleece to sweater project.
I have been hoarding a couple of tri colored fin fleeces for a cabled sweater knit in a traditional manner based on Priscilla Gibson-Roberts’ book Knitting in the Old Way. I has test carded an spun a few samples. I have decided to use the tricolor fin because I love the way the 3 shades of wool become a beautiful heathered yarn when carded together.
Art Yarn in Progress
This was a getting back to the art yarn exercise. Probably have 2 more spindles of this stuff in the bin.
Whatever this roving is…
Not sure what this is.
I think this was languishing inventory I decided to spin out of mercy for roving that had been there WAYYY too long. I also think this is what in currently on the espinner… I think…
Misc tiny art yarn for the weaving.
I think I just need to skein it up and set the twist…unless I decide to go ahead and ply it.
Not sure I remember where I was going with this one.
I am not sure, but I think these were intended to be spun together.
I feel like I have really fallen away from spinning. I am so ready to hit the dyepots, get back to my carders and make some yarn. I am especially ready to dive deeper into working with my pat green super card. I have always loved this machine, but I have been a little intimidated by it. It is the complete opposite of my art batt carders. For what ever reason, it is calling me.
Alright fiberista, tomorrow we are going to look at the weaving WIPs and other fibery things I am contemplating.
Joining me in the 31 Day Studio Awesome Challenge?
I am posting progress and info on setting up my studio over the next 31 days. I will not be blitzing my main email list daily…but if you DO want an email notice when daily posts go live, sign up here: