Merry Christmas Y’all! Today I am going to share with you just 3 projects. But these projects are what I consider the heart of my creative mojo. Is I had to point to the three projects that embody UrbanGypZ and where I am going with my work, this would the three. They are the most important of all the WIPs

So these three projects I am call my perpetual projects. These are projects that are kind of an ongoing study and what I consider the core of my fiber art body of work. These projects are rambling in the moment studies of color and texture, giving a nod to traditional needcrafts.
The Perpetual Weaving Project
This is what I am working on my sampleit loom. It is so rare that I set an intention for the fabric that comes off that loom. I find myself in the moment inch by inch when I weave with this loom. I think the fabric is better this way. Planning has me overthinking.
While I consider most of my yarn stash fair game for the weaving, I tend to keep most of my working stash for the weaving stuff in here. All the fun bits of yarn. My favorite fibers are in here. Weaving is my jam right now. I have some crazy big ideas I want to explore for 2017. THIS is my primary work these days.
The Perpetual Freeform Crochet Project.
This has been an ongoing study. Making a small freeform crochet medallion is so gratifying. And for the most part I have just been collecting these little gems. I will eventually put them together. I have found as with the weaving that the real magic comes when I am just in the moment with my yarn, working colors and textures. I LOVE this stuff. I am ready for them to finally come together into something more tangible. But for now I love filling up the stash with these little gems.
I Kind of Hate to Call This One Perpetual
I have been working this blanket for a while. I have even used it as a sample in my booth at the shows. Most of it is my hand dyed yarn. It really embodies my approach to combining colors. I have intentions to keep working it until it is large enough to be a bed blanket.
So there it is! these are my babies! Okay so tomorrow I am sharing my Spinning WIPs.
Joining me in the 31 Day Studio Awesome Challenge?
I am posting progress and info on setting up my studio over the next 31 days. I will not be blitzing my main email list daily…but if you DO want an email notice when daily posts go live, sign up here: