So one of the things I seem to fall down hard on, is settling on a project management system. I know it seems like overkill for an art business. It is something that was key to finishing large projects on time when I was an art director. I still use it when I build marketing materials for my business. And for the most part I have incorporated it into my deadline driven projects. But I definitely will be using it to manage my new art work. It is my solution to making sure I am not losing track of my materials and wasting money.
The thing is I have not found the perfect solution. This is not a problem in terms of lack of a good app or program as much as it is a problem of my getting out of my own way with the OCD shit. Perfect is the enemy of done.
I like Asana, and it will be great when I add contract labor to help me manage areas of my biz. Over the years, I keep going back to Awesome Note 2. Over the years it continues to improve. And it integrates seamlessly with my Apple devises.
Ack!! okay so I am committing to using this for at least 6 months…
Joining me in the 31 Day Studio Awesome Challenge?
I am posting progress and info on setting up my studio over the next 31 days. I will not be blitzing my main email list daily…but if you DO want an email notice when daily posts go live, sign up here: