Nothing will kill art faster than self doubt.
And unless you are certifiable narcissist, every single artist goes through periods of self doubt. It is normal. Overcoming it makes us better artists.
But, today fiberista, I want to acknowledge and validate your self doubt with loving tenderness. It is real and it is your right to process through all those feelings no matter what triggered it, what life experiences formed it, and how long you will carry it. I also want to see you move through self doubt, gathering all the gifts (yes, gifts) that it has waiting for you.
Art is important. It is your visual language, and your voice is important.
Art is a gift not just to the artist but to those who have the honor of seeing their work whether they resonate that piece or hate it.
Art sparks inspiration in other artists. I don’t mean idea stealing kind of inspiration, Art inspires others to find their own voice.
Self doubt calls you to push through it by finding new directions and inspirations. It asks us to change our art until our heart skips a beat and we bravely stand behind our work.
Self doubt also calls us to give up on art. It asks us if we really have the passion to continue. What would you do if you were not creating? Are you brave enough to try new ideas, fail, get back up and try again?
Self doubt is a fucking bully.
Fiberista, no matter where you are in your journey, you are exactly where you are meant to be. You are an artist despite your doubts, because you participate in finding that voice.
I see you.
I see your bravery. And I can’t wait to see your evolution.
This was just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for saying it out loud. I would not want a world without a place to make art.
My pleasure and AMEN!
Stacey you rock! Always have. Always will. Thanks for the encouragement!!
Aw, thanks. My pleasure.
I am preparing to turn my first manuscript over to a reknowned author who is interested in reading it. Girl, did this article hit home. Thank you, Stacey. I bookmarked your words.
Boy did I need this today!!! thank you!!!
My pleasure Beth. Sending virtual hugs.
You are so right about this SELF DOUBT SHIT-I am 70 years young and have been an artist for over 50 years-a potter- a jewelry designer and for the last 30 years a fiber artist-I have had a lot of those self doubt times-especially when the market is soft and I do a show and barely make booth-I just sit and look at my stuff and wonder “what the hell am I wasting my time for” and then that guardian fiber angel on my shoulder spits in my ear and says-GET OVER IT-YOUR WORK IS GOOD-and all of a sudden ideas start to flow again and I get excited all over about the fiber and what IT WANT’S TO BE-so yea-we all go through it but in the end when it’s over we make art that IS greater than before-Stay with it everyone-God gave you those hands and a creative brain for a reason-thanks for listening.
OMG! The shows can be the worst. The money will come when the right audience is ready to see your visual language.
Hi Stacey, ye of encouraging words. Just finished battle with breast cancer (I won!) and lost any desire to make art. But am feeling i need to get on with it and quit whining . Thanks for the “go get ’em” advice!
Woohoo Marsh! Congrats on kicking cancer ass. Go easy on yourself. That was a battle of a lifetime. But oh the art will be so awesome when it is time. You rock.
Thank you !more encouragement! Yaa hoo!
God bless you and keep you safe!
Thank you Cymthia! Marsha
I needed this today. This morning I applied to go back to school after 10 years in my current industry. I doubted myself every second are my ideas good enough will I be able to keep up with the other students who will have better ideas, better skill, better……. This is about me becoming the best ME I can be and making the best art I can make even if it’s terrifying. Thank you <3
Congrats on stepping into your next chapter!
Thank you for this. I have a terrible time starting new projects. I pick colors then think oh this is stupid, it won’t look good. So pick different colors and the same thing. I end up with my original choices. I’m trying to learn to make things just for me and not worry what anyone else will think about it.
If t makes you feel any better, I do the same all the freaking time. I would like to think one day I will arrive at just knowing what colors work, but alas I am learning it is an ever-changing process. I suppose the key is working through the doubts with loads of compassion and a little sense of humor.
Thank you Stacey!!! As always. your words resonate with me!!! I have to keep reminding myself that I make art to MAKE art. It’s only about ME and the PROCESS. The outcome is secondary and others’ responses shouldn’t even concern me. Yet…that darn bully is always there!!! Its nice to be reminded that it’s something everyone experiences….kinda takes the bite out some!!!
I am so glad Christine. And thank you for this. I am thinking this is definitely worthy of a future post. Your visual language is perfect as is, it is the audience that needs adjusting.
Powerful. …and much needed, perfect timing. As I “struggle” (insert self doubt) to get a knit hap shawl done (and keep forgetting that knitting is fiber art too) so that I can get to try my hand at/playing with/creating some weavings. Thank you for this perfectly timed love letter ❤️
p.s. Enjoy you family time
My Pleasure Marilynn. I hope your shawl is coming along nicely…and maybe a little weaving is just the refresher you need to power through that shawl…