I have no doubt where you live now, You are already deep into the crisp fall weather. Here in Raleigh, It all started this week.
Flip the switch on the gas fireplace and cue pumpkin spice everything. Thank you baby Jebuz, it is finally sweater weather.
If I had been a productive and smart cookie, I would have a stack of new hand knits to unwrap. But alas, I was a total slacker on filling out the wardrobe over the summer. Argh!! I had this idea that over the years I would stop buying commercially made sweaters and began replacing my fading wardrobe with hand knits. HA!! All I seem to have is a fading wardrobe. It is not that I don’t have a long list of sweater WIPS, I just get bored with the the drudgery of the follow through. I know many of you know exactly what I mean. Startitis is actually a thing. And so is the class of patterns called quick knits, with the intentions of shortening that drudgery middle part of making something.
Here’s the thing, the magic of creative ideas are often born during the drudgery of doing the work. Doing the work simple requires you to show up. And fiberista, I have not been showing up for my own knit work. I don’t know about you but the start of fall always feels like a fiber arts new year to me. It renews my knitting love and calls me to remember why I love what I do.
So today firbeista, I am sharing my creative plan not for the greater good of adding my visual language to the conversation. I am straight up wanting some new clothes. So here is what my knitting season is going to look like.
I am not going to start anything new. No, really…nothing new. I have 24+ WIPs.
I am, however, willing to frog stuff. Because sometime it is better to abandon the project and save the yarn than to soldier through and end up with a sweater you will not wear.
I am going to show up at least 3x a week. Here is a crazy truth…I have always had a hard time wrapping my brain around art time as real work. Yep, this professional artist feels guilty for doing the work that makes me an artist. It is a very deep rooted issue I will always struggle with. But, it is also always something I overcome thanks to lots of practice. Wash rinse repeat. So yeah, routines are pretty vital.
I am also stopping there with the guidelines. Any more rules or promises to myself will overcomplicate this. I am hoping to get at least 2 new sweaters out of this, but 3 would be amazing. And it would also be amazing if I promised to vlog about it, but that might be more than I am ready to bite off right now.
What are you working on? Leave me some comment love below.
I know exactly what you mean about feeling guilty doing artwork! I too am working through this. Thanks for sharing this!
Oh so true, I love the initial ideas that get my creative juices going and I always love starting any fibre projects but eventually run out of steam because it does become just that – drudgery. I’m working on a shawl/kerchief using (OMG) commercial yarn as well as experimenting with spinning singles techniques also plying from a centre pull ball. I’ve been dyeing my sheep’s fleece in a bag which didn’t work as well as I’d hoped and being a colour addict my preference is to stove top dye with dry powders using multi colours – results can be mixed sometimes it works sometimes I end up with mud – so I’m keen on learning for consistent results.
I live on a Shetland croft and although autumn has started here it definitely is not crisp, just wet and windy. But the peat burning stove is on, thank goodness!
Wow I live in Raleigh as well. This is really weird. Maybe we could touch base. I’m a textile artist. Dye scarves and Make paper paintings/collages. I love love to knit. But I’ve never dyed my own yarns. That’s a thought . Mhm