One of my college roomies was an avid crocheter. This was way before I even considered fiber art. She made blankets. Each one thoughtfully planned as gifts for those she loved. They were labor intensive solid blankets using color blocking designs and patterning. When it came time for my blanket, I wanted something lacy and off-white for my boho bedroom. She was relieved that I wanted something with open work, because that worked up faster. She made me a lovely shell pattern blanket with an intricate and wide lace edge. I don’t think she really had a pattern and if she did she just made me a large christening style blanket. It was perfect. My bestie had the biggest heart and I still cherish curling up under that blanket. One day I shared with her a pattern book of cute crochet shell tops knowing that would look so cute on her. She was irritated, thinking I was challenging her to make me some clothes. It never occurred to me that she never crocheted anything for herself. But she was such a big hearted giver, I am not surprised this never crossed her mind to use her talents to make something for herself. She spent her life serving others so much, that using her talents to gift herself with her own art was uncomfortable.

Like those blankets, prayer shawls are such a gift of love. How lovely is it to wrap the grieving in a symbol of a hug they can wear constantly. I myself have added a few rows alongside the rest of my stitch and bitch to make a shawl for a friend. It was so lovely to know I was part of a support network.

Having a talent like being able to turn yarn into something beautiful is a gift. And it is naturally a wonderful gift to give. But what if those talents were a tool given to us to heal not just others, but ourselves? What if I made prayer shawls just for me? Even saying that outlaid sounds a little self indulgent. But what if this prayer shawl was a garment of healing and self love made with intention and dreams of what is possible. A message to my future self: a shawl of comfort when I need a hug, a super woman cape when I need encouragement. What would your prayer shawl include?

Stitches can become mantras. What would your mantras be as you work?

What colors would you cloak yourself in to represent your future self?

As a hand spinner I can see plying two different singles with separate intentions? What two intentions do you need to bring together?

Stash busters shawls are a great way to bring together a series of ideas representing an evolution or change. What colors and textures would you use to represent the evolution of your future self?

If art can heal, then fiber art can continue to heal with each time you wear it. Try starting with an art journal spread. A visual love letter to yourself. Once you are done, what in your stash matches your art journal page?

I find this kind of work is best made with intuitive kinds of fiber art, like freeform knitting or crochet. But if you need a basic framework for a shawl formula, this is what I use.

I know many fiberistas do not have a problem knitting/crocheting/weaving for themselves. I personally rarely knit gifts for others much less my family. With no deadlines and no judgement, intentionally knitting for yourself is a great first step to finding your own visual language and making fiber art.

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  1. GerriAnn Lockman

    I believe this blog will be a favorite. It comes at a good time. The prayer shawl is very pretty. I love the colors in your yarn. Thank you.

  2. Susan Hallah

    A moving and inspiring article, Stacey. Thank you. I often feel that I don’t “deserve” to make things for myself. I often make them for my very small family and I do have a shawl I crocheted which I have kept and which I love. It is very simple but the colours make me happy. I shall bear in mind your words when I embark on my next project.


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About UrbanGypZ

Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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