Plan your fall sweaters in 5 easy steps

Jun 13, 2018everyday life, Knit like a fiber artist, What I am working on0 comments

I’ve said it before and I will say it again….I am determined to get some new sweaters cranked out this year. Seriously it has been a while since I have had a new sweater that I made myself. We’re talking years. I am totally ashamed to admit this, but it is a solid truth. For years I have felt so guilty buying a store bought sweater, knowing full well I have the ability (and lord knows I have the stash) to make my own damn sweater. But alas, I just have not followed through. Part of it is because the art side of my fiber art takes up my time and focus. And to be honest my art stuff is way more colorful and fancy than I care to wear. Seriously, I love making interesting stuff, but I prefer to wear mundane, neutral colored sweaters. It is just me.

Because I am a total systems geek, today fiberista I am sharing the system I am sure, somewhat sure, ok I have no idea will work. But as far as my squirrel brain goes, this is a healthy start. And I promise next week, I am going to share with you the answers, give you a peek into my stash of shame to see those WIPs, FROGs, and bucket list of knits.

Here is my little organizational system to score me some new hand knits this fall.

What is your time frame?

Being a former graphic designer, I am super deadline driven. If it isn’t scheduled is isn’t real. There is no shame in treating your hobby knitting like a business. In a way it is like paying yourself in clothes, or new skills, or a body of work. So projects become assignments and assignments get a schedule. Looking at a timeframe available ( around work and family and whatever else feels more important) and setting priorities will help me become realistic about my sweater goals. It also helps me shift my priorities if  necessary. How bad do you want sweaters?

What do you need?

I am in a sweater deficit thanks to the self imposed guilt trip around actually buying sweaters. There are a handful of closet standards I have not replaced. The overall palette of my closet has shifted in the last couple of years. And we moved to a significantly warmer climate two years ago. I definitely Have a hand full of sweaters I NEED.

What do you want?

What do you wish you had? Is there a sweater you have seen in retail land you would love to have? Is there a yarn you are dyeing to have sweater of? It is not to say the wants have less importance than needs in this case. The wants might actually spark your enthusiasm for your personal knitting.

What do you have on the needles?

Okay this is where you look for the low hanging fruit. Is there a sweater only days away from being done? Is there something that needs a simple mistake correction to move forward. Sometimes it is these quick fixes and instant gratification projects that will get you excited about your getting back to your sweaters.

What can be frogged?

And of course revisiting you WIPs will also shake out the projects that no longer resonate. I have actually had WIPs age out of fashion. No need to hang on to them if you know you will never where that sweater. Let it go, repurpose or donate that yarn and make room for what resonates.

I know… 5 steps that seem simplistic and a no brainer. Yet it is sometimes it is necessary to go through the steps methodically, even though you may take them for granted. I often find the stumbling blocks that are holding my work up when I consider each project so very carefully. So, I am hitting send and getting to work. See you next week with my WIPs and accountability.

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Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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