I am so thrilled to present the latest class in the Art Weaving Beyond the Basics series, Weaving with Art Yarn Warps. In today’s live cast I am sharing with you a little peek into the class.
Join me at 3pm EDT on YouTube for the live cast:
To participate in the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
I will post the show notes here:
See you at 3!
Sign Up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Arts Collective

Hi Stacey, I am being such a nuisance, but…….
when I get to the Art Yarn warp video, it says enroll. I push this button and
it comes up with the $22 purchase, and a line that gives 4 letters.
It doesnt matter what I push, I cant get through!!!
Now I know its me, but please not being fully computor savvy. I am making
heavy going of this and am stumped. Help please.
Me too…
Hey Koni, Just sent you an email with log in info. Let me know if you are still not able to get in and we will try something else.
So glad to see you were able to get in!