If you live as far South (or further!) as I do, Summer can often start as early as April. And as the temps start to climb, I don’t know about you, but I am pretty hard pressed to pick up any big wool knitting project.
So here is a peak at my list of some summer friendly projects I am adding to the queue.
Crocheted Cotton Dishcloths. If you have not discovered the awesomeness that is homemade dishcloths, O.M.G… go grab some all cotton yarn now right now!! They are hands down the best for scrubbing glass and pyrex. Plus being machine washable, it is easier to keep the bacteria that can normally collect on a regular ol’ kitchen sponge at bay. This is my favorite pattern.
Crocheted Cotton Market Bags. While you are picking up cotton yarn for your awesome dishcloths, pick up a few more balls for some hand crochet market bags. I have a half dozen or so of these and they ROCK!! I get compliments on them every time I take them to the grocery store. And holy crap they are so freaking strong! Like holds a dozen cans of soup strong. There are a gazillion patterns out there(both for knitting and crochet), but this is the one I use.
Socks! This year I am going to crank out some thick house socks that I love to wear with my slippers during chilly winter nights. As I have mentioned, this is the only sock pattern I use. Come on over to the Sock Art Society…we are sharing our sock knitting questions, discoveries and triumphs. I personally have found it so very inspiring.
New Art Yarn. I am not gonna lie, I have not touched my spinning wheel in months. But I am kind of itching to dive into my languishing fiber stash and just play with some new ideas. Mostly with my art weaving in mind. I am giving myself permission to not fill the bobbin, and be okay with small yardages of any given yarn. For me, weaving with art yarn does not require much for a big impact, so it is all good.
Freeform Knitting and Crochet. I am so addicted to freeform work. After my trip to Taos with Jane Trornley’s On Higher Ground Retreat, I am excited to dive into some freeform knitting to incorporate with my crochet. I am finding for me, I work better if I have lots of smaller modular pieces to choose from as I piece together a design. So I am also planning to put together a pile of small free form bits for use in my future projects.
And of course..more weaving…Have you seen the art weaving series that I have been running? Check out Part 1 and Part 2.
So that should keep me crazy busy for the summer and beyond. What are you planning to knit/crochet/spin/weave this summer? Leave me a comment below, or share with me on the Facebook Page.