Last week I slayed some major creative doubts.

Nov 1, 2017Creative Inspiration, vlog5 comments

I have written so many freaking posts about my creative blocks. I am not going to lie, in the last year or so, these blocks have been big enough to feel like doubts. But, fiberista, last week while vlogging (yep, I am actually trying to let the vlogging be a thing) I kind of ended up filming my break through in real time. Check it out…

So, fiberista. Have you ever let your creative blocks become doubts about you work? I know it is kind of a intimate question, but would love it if you shared below, or you can even email me privately if you like. xo

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  1. Jan Adams

    This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing your love of pottery! I was a potter for many years and now I’ve become addicted to spinning.

    • Stacey

      Jan! How cool is that. I would love to see pix of your old work. I sometimes catch my self calling throwing, spinning.

  2. Iwona

    OMG! Creative Ruts R Me! Totally understand what you are going through as I feel it so keenly. Like you I have so many creative interests and it seems like I run dry with whatever ‘thing’ I’m making/working on, then my muse goes on holiday and I have to stop and just knit or do something that doesn’t use up the creative juices as much to let the next ‘thing’ filter down from the ether and I’ll work like crazy on that – that’s just how it is for me.

    But I’ll have a couple of weeks of despondency and I’ll question whether I should stop completely and get a ‘proper’ job. But it doesn’t last for long.

    All this year I have been working on my hand dyed/spun/knitted or felted stuff from my sheep and all the usual accessories I make – buttons, shawl pins, decorated knitting needles/crochet hooks, drop spindles to stock the local gift shops and a couple of craft fairs. Couple of weeks ago I just ran dry and had nothing left – but after a few days I got this bubbly feeling that I wanted to finish the online botanical art course that I’d started 18 months ago and that was it – mojos back in town and I’m buzzing again.

    I think sometimes we just need a holiday from ourselves.

    I love your weaving – its giving me an idea for next year! Thank you for that!


  3. Susan

    I feel like we just got to have coffee and a visit and a real talk about real stuff AND I love that weaving Stacey! Thanks for your continued inspiration!

  4. Sarah

    Stacey – I know what you mean sort of – I work full time & only get to “play” a few hours at night or the weekends – somtimes I think I want to do too much – rigid heddle, tri – looms, free form weaving – felting – needle & wet felting – I don’t knot or crochet – but I want to learn both – so many but so little time! I want to learn to spin os bad!!!! Love the weaving & the hat!


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About UrbanGypZ

Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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