Join me today(July 31) at 3pm EDT on YouTube Live:
To participate in the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
I will post show notes here:
See you at 3!
Sign Up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Arts Collective

To participate in the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
See you at 3!
Fiberista, I know you know what I mean. It doesn't matter what kind of calm or chaos is happening in your world, the one constant will always be making art. I would say specifically fiber art, but I have a long-held commitment to my art journal as well that tends to...
Back from our trip to Philadelphia and fresh off the art reception for a show I had a piece in, I am full of some crazy big inspirations. But, alas I had some Christmas gift deadlines to crank on. I love these kinds of live casts. It truly feels like a stitch and...
I have been keeping an art journal since I was 18. Back then I was in art school and it was my sketchbook, a requirement for all of my art classes from day one. I resisted at first, it seemed like such a frivolous task. But, I soon realized that it was key to fleshing...
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Much of what I share I offer for free because it is my mission to help build a thriving supportive art community of like minded creatives. Please consider supporting me though my offerings or patron links.