HoHoHo! Fiberistas, Break out the stash, It is that time of year again. Time to make your list, check it, and the stash, twice.
We are officially just shy of 6 months from Christmas.
If you are like me, you are gonna want to do what you can to offset any of the normal holiday stress, gift those hand knits like a boss, and actually drink that spiked eggnog for recreation not therapy. Fiberista, It is time to do some planning… No worries. I got you.
Today, I give you the UrbanGypZ’s Guide to Slaying Holiday Gift Knitting Like a Boss.
First, here is a post detailing my very best left brain system for out right making a production schedule for this years Holiday knitting.
And here is another post with some additional tips to prevent overwhelm.
Even though we are almost 6 months out, here are some tips to help you knit faster.
I also keep a running Pinterest Board with insanely cool gift ideas to knit/crochet and even felt.
This year Fiberista, I dug deep within my OCD and have made a holiday planner just for your knitting projects!!! It is a free download when you subscribe to my weekly newsletter.
So make that list, check it twice and go make some art to share this year. By all means if there is a project you think I need to add to my Pinterest board, leave me a comment below with a link if you have one and I will make sure it gets pinned in the Merry Knitmas Board.
Subscribe to my weekly newsletter and get the FREE Gift Like A Boss Holiday Planner
Sign Up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Arts Collective

Thank you for the planner!! I have sort of started Christmas planning – most of the yarn is stashed and one more bag on the way with a sort of idea what I’d like to knit. Mabe the planner will kick me into gear. Organization this year has gone out the window so any help with that is greatly appreciated! Maybe if I get my thoughts on paper, I’ll be movitated to actually start the knitting I’d like to get done. That seems to work for getting all of the other stuff done!
Unfortunately, I’m still catching up from last December I started a shawl for one of my best girlfriends and I just finished knitting it last week so blocking this week. The shawl pattern is Peek A Boo Day Shawl on Little Church Knits. I used TSC Artyarns Tranqulity in one of the blues. I have a skein of one of your custom dye yarns that I fell in love with and bought with no purpose (to be fair, that’s most of my yarn – love it, buy it and then figure out what to do with it) and now thinking I might knit the same shawl for myself with that yarn. Now to find the time to actually sit and knit!
Thanks again and happy you’re still sending out the weekly – I do read them and occassionally log onto FB to see what’s happening there. One of these years I’ll take a class. Felting is on the list especially after seeing some of your felted things (have yarn stashed for that when the day comes!).