This week I had a little photoshoot to take pictures of some of my recent work. It has been a while since I shot my stuff, and I can see how my work has evolved in the last couple of years. But that is not to say that some of the overall things that form my art style has really changed. Today fiberista, I am sharing with you some of the things you can do to nail down art styles you identify with that will help take the pressure off making art you love.
Here is the replay of that YouTube livecast:
To see the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
Here are the show notes:
Find videos of weaving that circular weaving tile here and here
Here are some of the journal flips I have posted on YouTube. Sometimes, I just make spreads or pages with inspirations or visual language tests that might turn into inspirations later. These pages with no project focus are super helpful for my freeform work. All that practice embeds itself into my subconscious and surfaces as I work.
Carla asked about the name UrbanGypZ. Here is the Spin Artiste article that talks a little about how I got that name and a little more background on UrbanGypZ.
Christiane Knight of Three Ravens and I will be hosting a spin-a-long this Sunday at 1 pm on FB live. We are kind of just jumping in, playing it by ear and still hammering out details, but I will give you a link or info or something like that on the UrbanGypZ FB page once we are solid on those details. but for know if you don’t have Easter plans… join us somewhere TBD on FB at 1 pm EDT.
Sign Up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Arts Collective