Life passions, legacy and finding your why

May 25, 2016everyday life, How to think like an artist7 comments

My husband’s Bubbie died today. She was 96 years young and was super active up until her last days. This picture is from a couple of years ago. We walked with her to the Mudder Museum and I swear I she was walking so fast, I was winded trying to keep up with her. Holy smokes, I hope that I will be as healthy as she was in my old age. I love that she just embraced all her days. She loved her family fiercely. And always advocated for what she thought was for the greater good. I am going to miss her so much.

But today I want to talk about how Goldie is inspiring my life long passions. You see Goldie has always been an activist for peace. She was a fixture at so many rallies and protests. She was part of the Granny Peace Brigade in Philadelphia (That is her on the far left in the cover photo….in the snow…and did I mention she was well into her 90s?). AND she was an AWESOME grandmom. But, to me her legacy as an activist for the causes she was so passionate about, is one of the things I will always remember about her. It will always inspire me to feed my passions. I have no doubt her passions are what kept her so very active and vibrant into her very last days.

I turn 50 this year, I realize my years behind me out number my years ahead of me. I’m sure you can empathize, we all go through this, and it is a bittersweet time. I am amazed at how my life has unfolded and very aware of the looming bucket list of what I still want to do in my time here. And especially since I do not have kids, the idea of legacy is something I have contemplated so very often. I mean when you have kids, that is a big part of how you live on, through the generations of your family after you. But the other ways you create legacy is through your life work, whether that is something creative like art and writing, or something more left brain like a life long research for a topic or cause you are passionate about. And if like me, you do not have kids, your legacy becomes more focused through your work.


It all boils down to what is you why? Your why is what drives your passion. I am finding my why is either evolving, or maybe even shifting as I stumble along. What was once just an expression of my visual language, has become inspiring other fiberistas to see their knitting, crocheting and other fiber arts as real art. To honor that creative spark in every one of you no matter what that looks like. I am saying, “Yes I see your visual language, your art” in what ever form you are called to express it. I love holding space for you  and all that creative energy.

You are my Why. So my question for you is, what is your why? I know, a heavy question. I kind of don’t really expect an actual answer, but hopefully I am inspiring you to dive a little deeper into your passions.

This is one of my very favorite videos. Now go hug your elders.

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  1. doodler01

    We are the same age, yet I thought you we so much younger–a good thing for you, huh?

    I’m sorry about your Bubbe-in-law’s passing, but this post was an incredible tribute to her. It was also quite thought-provoking. Thank you.

    • Stacey

      Thank you and thank you!

  2. Katherine

    My condolences for Goldie. May Light Perpetual shine upon her, Katherine

    • Stacey

      Thank you Katherine.

  3. Barbara Chalifoux

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful memory of your spouse’s Bubbie. She sounds wonderful. Condolences.

  4. Margie J.

    I’m sorry for your loss. What an amazing woman! Your post meant a lot to me…I am also 50, no kids, trying to find my why. Thank you!

  5. Carla

    I’m sorry for your loss.

    I also don’t have children and more often as time goes on, think about my legacy.

    I’ve always had trouble coming up with what drives me and defines me. Recently, I realized that a big part of me is that I am ‘a maker.’ I love creating things. It was hard to figure out before because I am all over the place with different endeavors: writing, needlework, quilting, sketching, painting, weaving…but it turns out that those, for me, are just the materials used to create, not the essence of it.

    What I love about my current passion, is that I can potentially ‘make’ a piece from start (unprocessed fleece) to finish (a woven tapestry made from fleece that I cleaned, dyed, spun and wove. Not that’s making!


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Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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