Hey Fiberista! I am in the midst of pulling my fiber art portfolio together. It is my intention to get into some exhibits in 2019 and I need to get my work up on my site in an organized portfolio. So while I am at It I am going to share with you what I have and what I want to make to fill out each collection.
Join me today(Nov. 14) at 3pm EST on YouTube Live:
To participate in the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your You Tube app on your device.
I will post show notes here:
This is going to be the last Live cast this month. But not to worry, I will be back December 1 with Vlogmas!! Vlogmas is a thing on YouTube where vloggers post videos every day from Dec. 1 through Christmas day. I did vlogmas last year and had crazy fun (and mastered my video editing skills) making daily videos. I am pretty excited to share a little of my everyday next month, as well as a little more behind the scenes in the fiber studio.
I’ve only recently been inspired to try weaving, and don’t know the first thing about doing it. After watching a couple of your videos on youtube, I felt that I could learn from you there, and from your website tutorials and articles.
Your enthusiasm and personality make it extra fun. Thanks for sharing the knowledge and experience.
WooHoo! Thanks for watching and I am beyond tickled to know you are diving in and beginning a new fiber art journey!