This was the first live cast at the new Sunday broadcast time (I moved the live casts from Wednesdays to Sunday at 3 Pn EST). Since it was a big post thread in the Fiber Art Collective, I share with you a little about my Electric Eel Nano E-Spinner. I also do some more weaving on the art weaving on my SampleIt while answering your questions and talking a little about my upcoming classes.
Here is the replay:
To see the live chat, head over to YouTube, or watch using your YouTube app on your device.
Here are all the show notes for this Live Cast:
Here is the Link to the Electric Eel Nano but Dreaming Robots.
This is the link to UrbanGypZ Fiber Art Collective on Facebook
This is the link to my local weaver’s guild, The Triangle Weavers Guild
This is the link to The Electric Eel FaceBook groups, where I found a lot of info on hacks and modifications.
This Ravelry group also has a lot of info in the Electric Eel Wheels
The class in the Beyond The Basics Series is Weaving Lace and Open Space, Will go Live on October 30. Preregistration Starts October 9. Sign up for my newsletter to get reminders for those dates.
The Art Journal Membership and Classes is in the works, Sign up here to get updates about when this will go live and how to sign up.
The Taos Retreat will be in September of 2020. Registration opens at the end of the year. here are the websites of the other teachers:
Faith Welsh–Snow Lion Studios in Taos, MN
Here is the link to my Jackery Portable batterie I use with my espinner
Here is the link to the Blending Board I use
Here is the link to the small Loom I use for this Demo( this one is actually a little bigger than moine, but still a nice compact size)
Here is the link to my Free Art Weaving Class
Here it the link to my Weaving With Art Yarns Class
Here is the link to the fiber festival where I buy most of my fleece, SAFF.
This is the farm in California where I get a lot of other fleece.
Here is the link to the Saori weaver in Chapel Hill that I have learned from.
This is the Fiber Art Yard Sale that happens every year in Black Mountain
***A few of these links are affiliate links. What that means is I earn a small commission for all sales generated from these links. Just know I will only recommend products and services that I have personal experience with and can stand behind my recommendations.***