Yep, you heard that right, I just told you to not buy my yarn. I know it sounds crazy but let me give you little backstory.

This year I’ve been taking Alena Hennessey’s A Year Of Painting class. On January 1, I was so excited to receive ny first lesson. A quick browse through my acrylic paints, and I realized that I had a really lousy selection of colors. A lot of cheap little containers of paints from the dollar store in colors I would’ve never picked myself had they not come in a set. But eager to sit down and work on my first painting I decided to just use what I had. And was thrilled with what I made that New Years Day. I have gone on to buy tubes of paint in colors I love, but I have to admit the first paintings were some of my favorites.

One of my favorite creative exercises is creating with found objects. I find the same principles applied on that New Year’s Day. I was forced to work with what I had on hand. I was forced to look at new color combinations, stretching my imagination with how I would combine these colors. Embracing some of those colors that I absolutely thought I hated.
I find when I use colors I hate with colors, the results are always amazing.
The contrast usually pumps up the colors I love to a new level and the colors I hate become my new favorites.

I know were still in the heat of summer. Here in Asheville, in the evenings, I can feel the edges of fall in the air. I find myself drawn to my art journal sketching ideas for for beautiful new sweaters, diving into my yarn stash. Granted, I have an obscenely large yarn stash. Chances are your stash may not be as big as mine, but if you’re reading you probably indeed have a stash.

So, here’s my challenge to you, as you are planning your fall projects, and quite possibly in the middle of knocking out your Christmas knitting.
I invite you to challenge your creativity, and use what you have in your stash.
Paint with your yarns, trying new combinations. Contrast textures, play with alternating needle sizes. Don’t be afraid to challenge your creativity. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. I dare you to rethink you personal rules of what your fiber art is. One new skein of yarn will not make the work better. You are enough.

Need to warm up? Here’s a really super simple stash buster scarf.
It is a super quick knit (I bet you can knock it out in one episode of Bachelor in Paradidise) to practice your yarn combinations. Also makes a great quick Christmas gift.
Using a #15 (or larger) 24 inch (or larger) circular needle, cast on 140 stitches. Knit all the rows, changing yarn as you see fit. Knit until your scarf is as wide as you want, 8 inches is a good basic width, But you may find a couple of inches smaller or larger would be best suited for you. Bind off loosely, and fringe.
Check out my stash buster shawl pattern. It’s a free download on ravelry.
What are you working on?
Shoot me an email, send me some pix. I love geeking out over all things yarnish, and you guys inspire me more than you know. xo
besides a pair of socks for our group on facebook,i am almost halfway through my first saroyan scarf/shawl(free pattern on ravelry).i absolutely love it! i am using pastel ombre acrylic from my stash,but it looks awesome! i am already thinking of doing one in a solid color in the near future.i’ve got to get cracking on the xmas knitting–already have two hats done,but i have atleast 4-6 more items planned.reading your newsletter has my cogs turning! i’m now inspired to create a stash buster shawl and gift that to some unsuspecting soul…..time to go diving in the stash….
Yay! happy stash diving…. the saroyan is one of my all time fave patterns.
Stacey, your genius is showing!
Oh my! why thank you Kay. xo
This couldn’t have come at a better time! I finally got my yarn into some cubbies where I could see what I have, rather than shoved into an old chest. I have some very oddball colors/textures. I need to stash-bust and see what happens. I also have some yarn that I need to photograph so that y’all can help me determine what it wants to be. Be on the lookout for photos this weekend!
Will definitely look out. Love brainstorming color/texture combos.
Ok, I’ve taken a photo, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to upload it for you to see. Any easy directions?
Ack… I am not sure either. email it to me and I will add an update to the post and include it . stacey@urbangypz.com