I have been avoiding my weaving. Really. I have scheduled so many weaving days in the last month and just don’t do them. It is not that I am losing the weaving love…in fact I am really excited about the stuff I have made so far. It is really more like I am feeling a lot of self induced pressure to make something even more awesome. So I just avoid it all.
Here is the crazy thing…I think my new obsession with clay has totally saved my weaving log jam. Here’s how it all went down:

After months of searching for a much more attractive solution to for hanging my wall weavings, I created a series of wall tile headers to sew them onto. Once glazed and fired, I pulled out all my old weavings to match them up to my new tiles. I was surprised to find myself noticing how subtly my work has evolved. I also found so old techniques I am wanting to go back to. But new/old ideas aside… I found it most amazing to realize that my work has progressed without my even noticing it. And it did so because I was not in a place of pressure to innovate innovate innovate. The evolution happened through the steady work of being in the moment of turning my favorite colors and textures, inch by inch, into fabric.
Art is still happening when you work from exactly where you are in the moment of using your visual language doing what you love.
All those daily inspirations happen far easier when you just don’t overthink it… and I am living proof that it is much easier to say than do.
Because this is not the first time I have experience this particular creative log jam, I decided it was time to build an emergency plan to have on hand when this particular creative/motivational block comes up. Here it what mine looks like:

Take some self care time to check in and see if there is some underlying issue I am just not seeing. Sometimes it is burnout, sometimes it is another unrelated stress I am avoiding. Sometimes I just am physically not feeling well. Most of the time I am just overthinking it. But it does not hurt to really check in to make sure I am not missing an all together different concern to be addressed. Often it is as simple as taking a walk on my neighborhood greenway. Or even taking a nap.

Using my essential oils. Y’all know I love my oils. My diffuser runs 24/7. I only use Young Living Essential Oils because I love the purity and they work so well for me. My favorite way to use my oils is to help me through this very kind of emotional issue. My go to oils when I am feeling motivationally/creatively blocked are Present Time, Envision, Motivation, and Clarity. I will sometimes add Valor II if I am feeling insecure, and Stress Away if I am fighting some everyday crazy outside of the studio.
Set up my space. When the motivation is iffy, damn straight my space needs to be über inviting with snacks and beverages, a good movie or music, and my favorite tools in place. Sometimes I might add some of my favorite non tool items, like my favorite rocks and crystals, a plant. It is almost like arranging my living room…or better yet creating an sacred space with tiny alters.

Journaling time. It also helps me to flip through my art journal, add a little bit of work even start a new page.
Schedule my studio time. Sometimes I need a day or so to mentally clear time to focus. That studio time does not have to be very long either. Sometimes an hour or two is just fine.

Plan on working on more of the same. This part is huge… when I am feeling overwhelmed, to keep moving with my work, sometimes I just need to take baby steps. AND there is absolutely no shame in making more of what was awesome. Many many famous artist spent lots of time painting the same thing over and over allowing the tiny innovations to surface naturally as they work. So, when I am feeling overwhelmed, I am going to just pick one simple look to recreate. Keep it simple.
I am even going to make myself a paper reminder to hang on my notes board. My creative block cheat sheet. So, what kinds of things would you put on your creative block emergency plan? Would you use some of the same steps? Do you have some favorite creative self care tips? Leave me some comment love below or share them in the Fiber Art Collective. Not in the Collective? Sign up below.
I love reading your blog posts. They really truly speak to me. Makes me want to sit down and talk to you. Share diffuser recipes. Learn some weaving or whatever. Good stuff. Thank you
Awe Thankd Jen. I have no doubt if we were to hang out that is exactly what we would do,
Can I come?
Absolutely…then its a party.
What I love most about your articles is how real they are. You address real problems that are common to everyone, like burnout, lack of motivation, lack of new ideas.
When you write about these things it validates my own struggles and I feel better knowing that I’m not alone with these feelings.
Thanks so much.
My pleasure Gail. I hope keeping it real can help others feel art is truly doable despite obstacles
Great article, it expresses totally what I’ve been going through lately so thank you for sharing and helping us to see that we aren’t alone. My problem sometimes too is I have too many hobbies, I get myself in a hole and can’t do anything. I love mosaics, weaving, pottery, mixed media, making art yarn… arrrrggghhhh so many ideas in my head it hurts lol.
My goal is to incorporate a few of my loves into one fabulous art piece. I’ve already combined pottery with weaving, and I love it. You’ve discovered that love too, it’s great hey?!
Keep up the fabulous work hun, you’re an inspiration 🙂
Thanks Tracey! So many hobbies(and distractions) yet I refuse to give up a single one. I keep thinking organization is truly the answer… ha! will keep you posted.