I know I have shared a little bit about some of the ceramic stuff I have been making. Like lots of mugs (I have a thing for a really good hand thrown mug). An I have even shared a bit about how I have been incorporating ceramics with my fiber art. In Sunday’s You Tube Live, I am shared a little more about the details of my clay + fiber work
Here is the replay:
What are you working on? Share in the comments below, shoot me an email or join the fiber art collective FB group and share details there.
I enjoyed your clay+fiber=art. I just finished. Couple of questions, when you were talking about figurines, are those the dolls or figures shown in your photo? I’m very curious about those and the ability to use both clay and fiber to create these figures. I have ideas bumping around in my brain on the possibilities these 2 textures could create. Do you have a reference for this type of sculpting? Thank you.
Hi Brenda. Yes the figuring in the picture is what I am referring to. She is a hanger for my weaving, the weaving is her dress.