So, today, Fiberista, I have a new video for you.
I was looking through some old posts trying to think of what we would talk about today and I found this post where I shared a video of my art journal. Can you believe that was 6 weeks ago? I have to say, my journal has evolved so much since then. Not just as a work art in and of itself, but in relationship to how much work I have done in the last 6 weeks.

Ever since art school, art journaling has been hands down the best way for me to stay creative, process ideas for my work, and keep details as I work. Here is an updated video of my journal today, and some of the work it has inspired in the last 6 weeks.
I can kind of feel my momentum taking a tiny dip and I really want to keep it going. So I am challenging myself during the month of April to work my art journal daily for 30 days. I am going to post the work daily to Instagram, and will be using the hashtag #30daysartjournaling. Feel free to join in!
Sign Up for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Arts Collective
You are a woman on fire . . . burning brightly . . . what a wealth of creativity spills from your gracious sharing. Thank You!
Brilliant – I love it. Lots of beautiful art but also some pages which are just thoughts or beginnings waiting for the ideas to develop. Best of all I feel that I could take this approach and I’ve always felt rather daunted by the prospect of art journaling. Thank you. You always inspire.
I am so glad you get how simple it can be. I used to be intimidated about art journaling for the very same reasons. Yay!!!
You are inspirational Stacey, thank you for sharing your creations. xo
Thanks Susan! Xo
Reminds me a little of the sketch journal the prof had us keep in the pottery classes I took in college (so, so long ago). Except yours is way more colorful, and cooler (:
I love your videos and blog posts. You’re always so inspiring, Stacey. I’ve gotten away from my fiber art lately, but this is getting me motivated again. Thank you!