Big Little Lies

I am a big fan of most of HBOs series. This one was really quite good. Great soundtrack, beautiful location(ahhhh.. Monterey, CA in those gorgeous big houses along the coast. Great casting.  But I have to tell ya’ the ending was a bit confusing like some...

Today’s page

I am all about using my every day ephemera. No combing the antique stores for vintage photo to add butterfly wings and dunce caps to. No weird vintage medical or botanical illos. That is not a record or influence of observing my day. And for fuck sake it has all been...

I am having one of those days

I am having one of those days… Paying the bills makes me grumpy… I have a feeling I am missing something major.  I got turned around 3 times today running errands. And here in Cary that means driving in circles within circles. I ended up going to 3...