Apr 24, 2019 | Art weaving, Beyond the Basics Series, weaving, weaving resources
I am so thrilled to present the latest class in the Art Weaving Beyond the Basics series, Weaving with Art Yarn Warps. In today’s live cast I am sharing with you a little peek into the class. Join me at 3pm EDT on YouTube for the live cast: To participate...
Apr 17, 2019 | Art weaving, Creative Inspiration, How to think like an artist, The Business of being an artist, weaving
This week I had a little photoshoot to take pictures of some of my recent work. It has been a while since I shot my stuff, and I can see how my work has evolved in the last couple of years. But that is not to say that some of the overall things that form my art style...
Apr 10, 2019 | Art weaving, weaving, weaving resources, yarn spinning
I am so excited to go live today. Now only because, I am finally on the other side of the crud(well somewhat, I still have a little bit of a lingering cough). But, today I am sharing with you a little about what started me art weaving in the first place… being...
Mar 20, 2019 | Art weaving, Creative woo, weaving, weaving resources
You guys!! my how to make wool dreads class went live and I threw a virtual party. There was cheap champagne, music-free chair dancing(thanks to Youtubes strict copyright infringement rules) and some discussion about what is next. I also shared some enthusiasm for all...
Mar 13, 2019 | Art weaving, Creative woo, everyday life, The Business of being an artist, weaving
It is so easy to take hand health for granted when you are an artist. But, man, once you are unable to work without pain, it becomes a hard reality for us artists. And, it is not just hand pain. Back, eyes, shoulders all can take a hit when it comes to our...
Mar 6, 2019 | Art weaving, Creative woo, weaving, weaving resources
Hand Felted Wool Dreads are fast becoming a signature feature in my art weaving. In this live cast, I share with you the story of how I came to dreads and some of my favorite ways to use them in fiber art. Here is the replay: To see the live chat, head over to...