Oct 2, 2019 | Art weaving, weaving, yarn spinning
This was the first live cast at the new Sunday broadcast time (I moved the live casts from Wednesdays to Sunday at 3 Pn EST). Since it was a big post thread in the Fiber Art Collective, I share with you a little about my Electric Eel Nano E-Spinner. I also do some...
Sep 18, 2019 | Art weaving, weaving
Hey Fiberista! Today, I’m recovering from doing tax stuff. And be quite honest, my brain is a little fried. Rather than covering a creativity topic on today’s YouTube live, I am going to do a little live weaving. Not exactly sure which project I will be working on...
Sep 11, 2019 | Art weaving, weaving, weaving resources
Do you wonder what are the best yarns for Art Weaving? Most of you guys have followed my evolution from knitter with a yarn biz, to fiber art weaver. And like me, many of you came into weaving with a stash of knitting and crochet yarn to use with your new looms. But...
Aug 7, 2019 | Art weaving, weaving
I belong to a couple of Saori groups on Facebook. There is always a hot debate on what is considered Saori style weaving in relationship to what can be posted to the group. Saori is a beautiful fiber art practice. Here is straight up why I am not a full on...
Jul 31, 2019 | Art weaving, Creative Inspiration, Creative woo, How to think like an artist, weaving
Today Fiberista, I am filled with some big gratitude, and I am sharing with you a big aha moment that kind of smacked me up the side of the head this week. I kind of think I found the secret to making better art. And it is counterintuitive and not what you would...
Jul 24, 2019 | Art weaving, weaving
I had a question this week about wet-finishing handwoven fiber art. There is no one answer for every piece. The reasons and methods for wet-finishing your art weaving are as varied as art weaving itself. In this live cast, I share with you things you should consider...