Today, Fiberista, I am answering one of your questions: How to calculate how much yarn you will need for your art weaving. Even more specifically, how to calculate your warp.
So, if you caught this live, you know that I rambled on for 4:09 minutes before I relized the mic was not plugged in. However when I went to trim that part out of the video, not only did I lose the live chat repay, I lost an additional 4:09 minutes of the session. I am working to restore the rest of that video, but in the mean time here is the first part with the sound that got cut…
Here are the show notes from this live cast:
- Here is the link to get the Beyond the Basics Art Weaving Class I mentioned. I used a couple of the techniques in the shawl I showed you.
- Here is a PDF of another weaving worksheet.
- Sign up below for the UrbanGypZ Fiber Art Collective. It is free a full of inspirations from other fiberista of all skill levels, sharing and encouraging each other.