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Friday Five: 5 types of other art I do
Like most of you, I have always loved making art. since I was a small kid. Now granted fiber art overall can mean a lot of different things. For me, fiber art is a mixture of dyeing, spinning, weaving, knitting, and crochet. But even that is a loose...
Tiny habits
I swear I thought I was ahead of the game. Last October, I began planning out what I wanted my 2022 year to be. Setting out some goals, thinking of my new year's resolutions. I was using my favorite project planning app, I built in some extended periods of rest and...
Friday 5: the legacy my knitting teacher left behind
I got word last night that the woman who taught me how to knit passed away. Susan A. passed away suddenly and left behind more than just a family. She was a knitting teacher in the mid to late 1990s and taught at the community college in Birmingham, AL. For me, her...
WIPS, new toys and my creativity helper
Ah… A new year. Another year. I know it has been a hot minute since I have posted. But I always seem to come back to here. Do you realize I have been blogging on and off since 2002? I have my old blog archived somewhere, and at some point I intend to post it as a PDF...
Life After CoVid
I feel naked and, quite frankly, a little uneasy. No lie, this is the first time I have sat at a coffee shop in more than 15 months. No mask, outside, and this place is bustling. Like everyone else on the planet, I have been itching to escape the 4 walls of my home,...
Freeform Weaving Your Day to Day Inspirations
Back from our trip to Philadelphia and fresh off the art reception for a show I had a piece in, I am full of some crazy big inspirations. But, alas I had some Christmas gift deadlines to crank on. I love these kinds of live casts. It truly feels like a stitch and...