Blog: Art Weaving
When You Just Show Up
Procrastination. I have to admit, I am so freaking guilty of procrastinating in a big way when it comes to making art. Seriously? I love art. WTH am I doing? Why do chose to do laundry over getting into the studio I love, sitting with an obscene amount of great yarn...
Pricing Your Work Part 2: Getting Paid
Alright Fiberista's so, last week I shared with you the basic formula for finding the number that will support your work. And I spent a lot of time making the case for why you should charge according to that number even if you do not think you need the money or are...
Pricing Your Work Part 1: the nitty gritty of running the numbers
It is a question I get asked a lot: How do I price my work? I get it it is so very hard to know how to place value on art work in general. But as far as pricing hand knits and crochet, hand made yarns and fibers it can seem so much more confusing. I mean heck, you can...
Making bad art on purpose
I am in a place of making a lot of mistakes with my ceramics. I joke that I am actually making a bunch of very large test tiles that holds large quantities of coffee. One of the teachers in the studio suggested I make actual tiles to test techniques and glazes. And...
Studio day
Making Fiber Art: It is all in the details
Check this out. This is my most recent yarn... It was made from this fiber I dyed a couple of weeks ago. The first in the new dye space. So this fiber was a miss mash of mill ends, farm wool, angora from my late great bunnies, and sole roving ends. I could not tell...
100 day project
I know this is totally last minute, but do I dare to make the blog my 100 day project? It certainly would stretch my comfort zone. But then again it would totally fullfill one of my big fat business goals-- blog more. I mean a part of me wanted to fold the...
The 5 Keys to Making Art You Love
For the longest time, the idea of making a body of work and really embracing the idea of being an artist was just overwhelming for me. I have always done creative stuff. Not just little crafts. I would take art classes and learn some intensive techniques like...
My Creative Emergency Toolkit
I have been avoiding my weaving. Really. I have scheduled so many weaving days in the last month and just don't do them. It is not that I am losing the weaving fact I am really excited about the stuff I have made so far. It is really more like I am feeling a...
Getting back to the art journals
Confession time....I have fallen hard off the art journaling. While I would like to be able to say I am one of those people who can not live without her paper brain, lately that just has not been the case. I have always admired the sketchbooks of artists who are...
Other art I do
I suppose you could say I have always had a thing for art. Most of us creative types generally do. Once we are introduces to crayons and the ability to make marks to express what is in our noggin, we are hooked. I have always been an advocate for having some creative...
When fiber becomes your obsession
I woke up this morning with art on my mind...I was obsessed with potholder looms Yep...Potholder. Looms. You know the kind you use to make those girl scout craft potholder, that uses loops of knit fabric. I imagine for many of us it was the first kind of weaving we...
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