Blog: Art Weaving
What I am working on
Fiberista, I know you know what I mean. It doesn't matter what kind of calm or chaos is happening in your world, the one constant will always be making art. I would say specifically fiber art, but I have a long-held commitment to my art journal as well that tends to...
WIPS, new toys and my creativity helper
Ah… A new year. Another year. I know it has been a hot minute since I have posted. But I always seem to come back to here. Do you realize I have been blogging on and off since 2002? I have my old blog archived somewhere, and at some point I intend to post it as a PDF...
Life After CoVid
I feel naked and, quite frankly, a little uneasy. No lie, this is the first time I have sat at a coffee shop in more than 15 months. No mask, outside, and this place is bustling. Like everyone else on the planet, I have been itching to escape the 4 walls of my home,...
Freeform Weaving Your Day to Day Inspirations
Back from our trip to Philadelphia and fresh off the art reception for a show I had a piece in, I am full of some crazy big inspirations. But, alas I had some Christmas gift deadlines to crank on. I love these kinds of live casts. It truly feels like a stitch and...
Freeform Art Weaving Demo
I am back from my whirlwind trip to my grandmother's funeral in New Orleans. Y'all, she was 99. If there is one take away I had from that trip, it is don't hesitate to photograph everything. Because I am here to tell you, my Mama did just that. It was like a final...
How To Hemstitch Your Freeform Art Weaving
Do you know how to hemstitch? Hemstitching your weaving is a standard way to finish your edges. In this video, I show you two different ways to hemstitch and talk about using it to create space in your weaving as well as finish your edges. Check out How to...
Woven Lace and Open Space in Art Weaving
There are so many ways you can use woven lace and other weaving techniques to create dimensional open spaces giving composition and interest in your free form art weaving. As a texture, giving another dimension to your work, to show off a handspun art yarn, as a...
Freeform Art Weaving on My 4 Shaft Floor Loom
Last Sunday's LIVE cast was another fun one. You guys bring the best questions. Sunday, I shared with you guys a little about how I freeform art weave on my 4-shaft floor looms, as well as talked about some of the yarn I have been spinning especially with art weaving...
E-spinner Show and Tell Plus An Art Weaving Demo
This was the first live cast at the new Sunday broadcast time (I moved the live casts from Wednesdays to Sunday at 3 Pn EST). Since it was a big post thread in the Fiber Art Collective, I share with you a little about my Electric Eel Nano E-Spinner. I also do some...
Art Weaving Demo LIVE
Hey Fiberista! Today, I’m recovering from doing tax stuff. And be quite honest, my brain is a little fried. Rather than covering a creativity topic on today’s YouTube live, I am going to do a little live weaving. Not exactly sure which project I will be working on...
My Top 5 Yarns for Art Weaving
Do you wonder what are the best yarns for Art Weaving? Most of you guys have followed my evolution from knitter with a yarn biz, to fiber art weaver. And like me, many of you came into weaving with a stash of knitting and crochet yarn to use with your new looms. But...
Beat Procrastination and Weave the Art You Should Be Weaving
We have all had moments when we just art not weaving the art we should be making. Usually, this can be one of 3 reasons. Hell, I can point to no less than 5 projects I am currently procrastinating on. So this has been something on my mind lately. Especially as a...
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