Blog: Knitting
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 22: WIPs That Are Staying In The Project Basket
YAY!! welcome to the first day of Week of WIP flash. Today I am sharing with you the projects that I consider my Works in Progress (WIP). These are the ones I intend to finish. No, really… Okay, this post is gonna be picture heavy post. Because I have… ...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 19: Yay progress on the WIPs and Stash
I am feeling good about the progress today despite the fact I was up late and stayed up late last night. Notions sorted, and organized (not much to purge, I suppose I have already purges many of them in the move). Yarn and WIPs being culled through. I am finding far...
The Only Hat Pattern You’ll Ever Need
It is full on fall here in NC. And with the holidays fast approaching, I know many of you are in hat making mode. So I though today I would share with you my go to hat pattern. (plus one of you asked me about it...thank you, Susan, for the post idea). So today's post...
Making a Shawl with Handspun Yarn
One of the most common questions I encountered when I used to do shows was what can you make with hand spun art yarn. Rarely is there enough yardage in a skein to make anything more than a hat. But if there were a lot of any given hand spun art yarn, I don't think a...
How to Make Better Art
I get it. It is overwhelming to follow the dream of being an artist. Let me start by dispelling that overwhelm. You already are an artist. As I have written so many times (like here and here), just by setting the intention to be an artist, you are already an artist....
The Woo of Reading Your Yarn Stash
When I was doing shows, often Mom would help me work the booth. (Thanks Mom!!xo) Pretty early on she made a keen observation that a large majority of customers subconsciously bought yarn in colors that would match what they were wearing that day. Even if they spent a...
What prejudices are holding you back?
It is my guess "I'm from Alabama and I'm an artist" is not something you hear everyday. Heck I am sure it is not something you put together readily in your mind. Kind of like "I'm a rocket scientist, and I'm from Alabama" sounds like an oxymoron. When you think of...
5 Reasons Knitting Makes You a Better Person
Okay maybe I am just a little bit biased, but knitters and crocheters are awesome people. As in some of the nicest, smartest people you will ever meet kind of awesome. For a decade now we have all heard the phrase knitting is the new yoga/therapy/zen. Today I am going...
Fiberart Toys and Creative Challenges
I am working on some projects for an upcoming arm knitting book. I'l be honest, arm knitting was not something on my radar until I got the call from a friend who needed to fill in some spots on a project book. In case you have not heard of it either, it is an...
How to Read Japanese Crochet Patterns
Japanese crochet patterns are so cute. So many Boho styled patterns. Here is how to read Japanese crochet and knitting patterns without having to learn a new language.
5 sweaters I must knit in this lifetime
Fall in Asheville, this year is a little bittersweet. The leaves are about to hit their peak color and the weather is just cool enough for a light sweater. If it all goes as planned, this is the last fall living in Asheville. It is such a great season to be in the...
My Top 5 Tips for Painting with Yarn
I know it sounds crazy, but It seems like every project I have worked on in the last 2 years has been some sort of stash buster. Maybe it is because I have a crazy amount of stash filled with odd skeins and test runs of dyes and hand spun. But honestly, I have been...
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