Blog: Crochet
My Favorite Resources for Art Crochet
Today, fiberista, I am feeling called to hit the WIPS. So for today's post I am giving a nod to the Crocheters. I know that often times finding crochet patterns amongst the vast selection of knitting patterns available is enough to make one feel like you are on the...
Wednesday 11: Random thoughts on creativity fueled by cabin fever and cold medication
I have been in the bed sick for days, so I am totally blaming this post on the cold medicine. As I sit down to write today's blog post my mind is in 50 different places. I have often partaken in a series of post called the Friday 5. Today I am going to give you a...
Update on that Art Yarn Scarf
So, Last week I made a video showing you how to use a hairpin lace loom to make an art yarn scarf. If you missed that check it out here. Once the camera was off and as the video loaded, I started to mull over ideas for finishing this scarf. And of course...
Crocheting with Art Yarn
Today fiberista, I am giving a shout out to all the right brained Crocheters. I know it can seem as if they are the red headed step children when it comes to cool crochet resources that aren't this: Ok I exaggerate because there are awesome patterns...
Gift Knitting Like A Boss
HoHoHo! Fiberistas, Break out the stash, It is that time of year again. Time to make your list, check it, and the stash, twice. We are officially just shy of 6 months from Christmas. If you are like me, you are gonna want to do what you can to offset any of the normal...
Creative Ways for Working with Handmade Yarn
Working with hand dyed and handspun yarn can be a pain in the ass. I get it! When I was selling handed yarn it was the one question I was asked the most often...What can I make with this. It is one thing to fall in love with an interesting yarn, an another thing...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 24: WIPs I am on the fence about
There is another pile in the WIP stash that is way larger than I would like. And to be honest, I am using this blog post to really suss out my feelings about each. Now I know everyone is going to have an opinion about saving the projects I am about to list. And while...
How to Read Japanese Crochet Patterns
Japanese crochet patterns are so cute. So many Boho styled patterns. Here is how to read Japanese crochet and knitting patterns without having to learn a new language.
Bohemian Rhapsody: A guide to boho crochet patterns
I am a self proclaimed hippie. Yep music festival going, patchouli loving, child of the 70s, comfortable shoes kind of hippie. Being in Asheville, I also live in that hippie community bubble where I am not terribly fashion aware outside of what I see at Target....
My Favorite Fibery Projects for Summer 2015
If you live as far South (or further!) as I do, Summer can often start as early as April. And as the temps start to climb, I don't know about you, but I am pretty hard pressed to pick up any big wool knitting project. So here is a peak at my list of some...
The Procrastinating Yarn Ho’s Holiday Gift Guide 2014
I have no doubt that most of you are way better at preparing for the holidays than I am. This year I have been in the throws of planning for 2015, I JUST TODAY noticed that we have about 2 weeks to Christmas. TWO WEEKS, PEOPLE!!! Remember this article where I seemed...
Fiber Crush: Freeform Crochet
This past labor day weekend I spent a solid 3 days working my hand dyed and hand spun yarn using freeform crochet. Freeform crochet is a way of making a series of motifs created improvisationally and pieced together to create a fabric. Prudence Mapstone is known for...
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