Blog: Creativity
The Woo of Reading Your Yarn Stash
When I was doing shows, often Mom would help me work the booth. (Thanks Mom!!xo) Pretty early on she made a keen observation that a large majority of customers subconsciously bought yarn in colors that would match what they were wearing that day. Even if they spent a...
Being Brave
We have all seen the memes. You know the ones that remind us to soldier on through adversity with promise of great rewards at the end. Love this one. This is what a meme looked like when I was a kid. Big poster on a wall... This past weekend I had the honor of being...
Life passions, legacy and finding your why
My husband's Bubbie died today. She was 96 years young and was super active up until her last days. This picture is from a couple of years ago. We walked with her to the Mudder Museum and I swear I she was walking so fast, I was winded trying to keep up with her. Holy...
Never Say Never
Fourteen years ago, I was at the counter of Earth Guild while the cashier rung up my purchases for the day. I am not even sure what the purchase was...probably yarn... Or knitting needles. There was a little jar holding a collection of orafice hooks for sale and I...
Burnout is Real Y’all
Did you know at one time Asheville was called the Paris of the South? I admit I have not heard that term in a while, probably because Asheville has changed so very much in the last 5 years to become a bustling tourist town. Everyone in a hurry to see, taste, drink,...
What prejudices are holding you back?
It is my guess "I'm from Alabama and I'm an artist" is not something you hear everyday. Heck I am sure it is not something you put together readily in your mind. Kind of like "I'm a rocket scientist, and I'm from Alabama" sounds like an oxymoron. When you think of...
Four ways art journaling made me a better artist
If you have been reading my blog long enough you will know I am a big advocate for art journalling. It is my paper brain filled with all the ramblings in my head be it my grocery list of my art ideas. It is the way I aggregate my thoughts overall. But I tell...
Why buy art?
I frequent a coffee shop in the River Arts District. And being in the heart of the studio district, there is a lot of yummy art for sale. I had been eyeing this mug for months. Here is the link to the artist's website. This week was the week this mug was going to come...
Fiberart Toys and Creative Challenges
I am working on some projects for an upcoming arm knitting book. I'l be honest, arm knitting was not something on my radar until I got the call from a friend who needed to fill in some spots on a project book. In case you have not heard of it either, it is an...
A Fiber Artist’s Guide to DIY Equipment
Ask any serious knitter, and they will ALL agree...fiber arts can be a slippery slop into crafting ADHA. Knitting leads to spinning leads to dyeing leads to felting leads to weaving. It seems that there is always a new and more interesting technique just around the...
Steal this Colorway
I want you to steal this color way. Yep. Use it for what ever you need, dyeing yarn, dyeing roving, color work for your knitting, yarn for a new weaving. Whatever you need. But here is the catch, I want you to make it your own somehow. The one question I get asked the...
Making This Yarn: How to make an art batt
So, today I have a new video for you. You see I have a new Facebook group for peeps on my email list called the UrbanGypZ Fiber Art Collective. Each week I open up the opportunity to ask me anything...fibery, business, life, anything. Last week Cheryl wanted to know...
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