Blog: Creativity
Getting back to the art journals
Confession time....I have fallen hard off the art journaling. While I would like to be able to say I am one of those people who can not live without her paper brain, lately that just has not been the case. I have always admired the sketchbooks of artists who are...
Other art I do
I suppose you could say I have always had a thing for art. Most of us creative types generally do. Once we are introduces to crayons and the ability to make marks to express what is in our noggin, we are hooked. I have always been an advocate for having some creative...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 30: what did and did not get done
One more day to go y'all. It is hard to believe I have been at this for a month. And I am not gonna lie, I don't feel like I will be finished. At least not in the sense of a perfectly organized studio space and business. It is something I am coming to terms with. For...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 28: The other art I do
I have more than just fiber in the studio, I have all kinds of other art supplies that help me make art. And they too are a hot mess!!! Part of what keeps me creatively productive has to do with other mediums I use to make art. What I mean is, sometimes I get...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 27: Weaving and other fibery WIPs
Like my spinning WIPs, the weaving WIPs for the most part are just a freeform, on going kind of thing. I do however have a couple of projects. As I mentioned in yesterday's post this is my current working bin. By no means is this the only yarn I am using on my current...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 26: My Spinning WIPs
My spinning WIPs are really closer to a perpetual WIP kind of thing because I usually finish a yarn in one sitting. But there are a handful of specific unfinished spinning projects that I have come across. For the most part my spinning project stash is this: Yep that...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 25: My Perpetual WIPs
Merry Christmas Y'all! Today I am going to share with you just 3 projects. But these projects are what I consider the heart of my creative mojo. Is I had to point to the three projects that embody UrbanGypZ and where I am going with my work, this would the three. They...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 23: When bad things happen to good yarn
WooHoo!! Alright, here is the official WIP purge. So for the most part the yarn is worth saving. But I thought you might like to hear the post mortum of these projects gone horribly awry. I love this yarn, and I have a metric tone of it. I was going to make a...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 20: Working the Merc Rx for big purging
So Mercury Retrograde (MercRx) started yesterday. No wonder I was able to get so much studio-purge stuff done. For those not into astrology, Mercury Retrograde happened 3x a year (except for this year where it is happening 4 times....F. you 2016). For the most part it...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 16: Go to Your Room!!!!
Confession time, y'all. I did not spend a whole lot of time in the studio today. I had a computer glitch to investigate and some Christmas present planning that is taking over my drafting table as my mail orders arrive. But other than that I spent the day planning out...
Studio Awesome Day 10: Letting Go Of Precious Stash
So I am going to dip just the tiniest baby toe into today's task. It is a big one, and like many other knitters it is a bit of a trigger subject for me. I am going to begin to consider thinking about thinning the stash... I can hear the collective gasps of horrors...
Studio Awesome Day 5: Wrangling the Knitting and Crochet Tools
I have an obscene number of knitting needles. Most are circs, but I do have a fair number of DPNs and even straight needles. I rarely use my straight needles anymore, but I do like to break them our every now and then for dish cloths or for teaching. And as for DPNs,...
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